Alien vs. Predator - The Movie

My humble opinion on the movie, it was a BIG disappointment :(
The alien(s) were good as usual but there should have been more of them in the actual fighting scenes. But what's with the predators then bad breakfast or something, they had none of the glory that I saw in the first predator movie kicking Arnold and his gang across the jungle, the predators were just lame and where were the colonial marines! :( my absolute favorite characters of the pc game version and from the Aliens 2 movie.
Sadly the movie wasn't anything like the game was but other than those flaws it was good as long as it lasted :)
*Serenity* said:
CavScout said:
It was in my opinoin only barely worth renting and moderate entertainment at best. Not worth seeing in the theater or buying and definately best if your friend rents it and you can watch it without having had to pay for anything........ :D

Holy CRAP!!! What is WRONG with you people?!?! :shock:

It was awesome! Yah - there were some parts that weren't great, i.e. the blonde short haired girl died to early from the broke out of her body to soon and the Predator's face was more "human" looking than in Predator. But GEEZ! The movie still rocked!

I'm an avid Alien and Predator fan and watch the movies a lot....omgoodness you people who didn't like it worry me.


You deffinatly put it best. I agree completely. Though I already posted my feelings on another page of this discussion when the movie first came out. I want to get it on DVD along w/ the Alien Quadrilogy and the two Predator movies! (I'm a huge fan of both the Alien series, though I wish Alien 3 never existed, and Predator movies... but I've yet to own the movies, weird huh?)
I wanted the Colonial marines back!!!! This movie would have been way better if they had them hot shot marines. Overall i think its an alright movie though. The first time i watched it was a let down, while the second time wasn't too bad.

I'll give it 3 out of 5 stars. It would have got another shiny star if there were colonial marines.