AK47 vs M16

we have racks inside and outside we usually keep the rifle outside so we can use it quickly against infantry.
thats why they use to give Galil Carbines to tank crews here. nothing stops them. Uzi before that. but now we have new gun racks inside that you can get the rifle from much faster so i guss soon we will start leaving the rifle inside...
Even though i don't like the M16. I would take a M16A4 any day, over ANY AK variant.

The only thing i like about the AK-47 is
It's looks
And the fact i own one.

Honestly I think a lot of the contemporary assault rifles are superior to both the AR-15 and Kalashnikov. Rifles like the G36, LWRC M6, F2000 and so on.

Sure, AR-15 is light and accurate but it's a pain to maintain. I'm never gonig to buy one because I hate sitting down for over 30 minutes to clean my rifles.
Honestly I think a lot of the contemporary assault rifles are superior to both the AR-15 and Kalashnikov. Rifles like the G36, LWRC M6, F2000 and so on.

Sure, AR-15 is light and accurate but it's a pain to maintain. I'm never gonig to buy one because I hate sitting down for over 30 minutes to clean my rifles.

If your only spending 30 minutes. Your piece ain't clean.
With a AK47 you can do almost any thing to it, bury in sand throw it in mud then jump on it, the odds are you can then pick it up and fire it. Now a AK a7 may not be as accurate as a M16 but it will always work.
The M16 is a very accurate rifle but needs to be kept very clean to get the best out of it, and I have read that quite a number of American soldiers have been left more than a little exposed when it has failed to fire when required to do so.
03USMC said:
If your only spending 30 minutes. Your piece ain't clean.
If it's an SKS it is. :-)

I can take it down fully in like a minute, go through the barrel with solvent-soaked patches until nothing's coming out, and CLP the rest within 30 minutes.
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The M16 series assault rifles are alot durable then what people give it credit for, the key is to keep it maintained and do not over do it with lubricants. I have never had one jam up on me and I know soldiers who carry them in Iraq and they have never stated that this has been a issue with them either.
I have fired both weapons and like both. The rifle of the day for the USN is the M16. Therefore, that would be my choice. I still miss the M14. It is still used by some parts of the Navy, but the boots all learn the M16 now.
M-16/M-4 is best choice for SWAT teams, SF and any short/urban operations, where accuracy of fire rocks over density of fire (For example, during hostage crisis in Beslan @ 2004 M-16 family could better choise than AK family. AK family - best choice for sustained, long lasting warfare, especially where high density of fire is needed and where physical conditions are quite though.
30 minutes of cleaning is quite alot in a routine that invloves sleeping 3 houres a night and constant patrols/guarding...
My K-2, which has a few components similar to the M-16 (maybe 20% or less) did fine even when I was only able to clean for about 5 minutes daily while on maneuvers.
Found out that when you're pressed for time, there are a few important places you should clean well and the rest you could just go over with a tooth brush and I didn't have any problems.
Don't know if that applies for the M-16 as well.
What M16 are we talking about (A1, A2, A3, A4?)
Their is advantages and disadvantages for both. As well, it depends on the combat.

M16 Pros: Accurate, lightweight, great bullet velocity (good for penetrating), 3 round burst (depending on which M16 your talking about) (great for open areas), range.
Cons: Non durrable/requires a fair bit maintenance, great bullet velocity (will go through you but it has no stopping power), 3 round burst (it's not great for enclosed areas).

AK-47 Pros: Large round (good stopping power), incredibly durable.
Cons: Innacurate.

The M16 is great for urban combat. Accuracy is key in these situations.
The AK-47 was fashioned for the hard Russian conditions and many other rough conditions. It's great for people who want to survive in whatever environment.

The AK-47 has been run over by a Humvee, and still fired. The barrel has been bashed with a hammer, and still fired. It has been completely submerged in water, and still fired. It has been completely submerged in sand, and still fired.
The AK-47 can be cleaned very easily (Taliban soldiers would run their boot lace down the barrel to clean it. It only little time to teach one how to properly clean it (I believe it's 4 hours). The M16 takes a lot longer.

I'd take the AK-47 if I had to survive in the woods/desert/whatever (just kidding I'd take my dad/my Winchester 94). I'd take it to arm guerillas and other non experienced fighters. But the M16A4 is better for the trained fighter with a little bit of luck (doesn't jam) and a little bit common sense (DO NO BURY IT IN THE SAN!). I can't choose.
I have to wonder where everyone gets the inaccuracy part. My Romanian G-Slab with a G2 trigger group shoots 1" - 1.5" MOA, which is all anyone really needs unless competition is the order of the day - and that's with Wolf craptastic steel ammo.

Personally, I think they both have their place. Both are two of the finest rifles ever made after a few tweaks and with some knowledge how to care for them and shoot properly, and I'd not throw one down for the other. As light Infantry, though, every pound counts.

If y'all are having issues with your AK's being accurate, align the feed ramp again, have the barrel lasered, and throw in a decent trigger group. I think you'll be surprised at the accuracy you can obtain, even without filing the front post. It'll never be as accurate as a quality AR, but you can get it pretty darn close.

I'd feel plenty comfortable with either in just about any scenario I can dream up in my little head.
Well, read "About Face" from the late Col. David Hackworth (A.K.A. "The Hack"), and read what he wrote about the original M16 when he tested it before its adoption, and about an ocassion when in Vietnam, while moving earth with bulldozers at a base camp permeter they unearthed the rotting corpse of a VC in full gear, weapon and all, and to show his men hoy a real assault rifle should be built, he took the dead Charlie's AK and fired full magazine without any cleaning.

I rest my Case