I am not arguing against aircraft carriers per se any more than I have argued against tanks, Its just the 'bloatification' which has more to do with the 'virility' of higher command then rational thought. Quick examples: Germany Bismark Class as opposed to snorkel submarines, Maus and Tiger as opposed to Panthers. Japan the gastly load of rubbish that was an 18 inch calibre, 70,0000 ton floating target. Such nonsense ties up vast resources.
One way of getting rid of Aircraft carriers - below radar horizon fire 'vertically' missile ( angular construction not detected by radar ). When it decends vertically it will know approx. GPS of target, although supersonic it has the means of displacment at right angles to transit ie it can home in. It has a visual recognition computer system plus a wide angle camera. Not only does it recognize target, but using the superstructure arrangement it homes in to where the reactor is. It does not explode on impact instead using a metal 'cutting' leading edge ( Barnes Wallis ) part of it goes thru the decks and is stopped just above the reactor where it deternates a low level explosive. You don't want to eliminate the reactor - bulkheads will ensure that you can still use it as a floating runway. No you want melt down and leaks. Pilots are intelligent men they can see what's happening - are they going to land back on a floating Chernobal?
U.S. Budget appropriation committees want no leaks, just another selling point for American ship builders.
Anyway, there will be a continuing struggle all centered around software in this case.
By software, I mean reaction, detection and ranging systems.
Computer Chips would become just as important as weapons themselves.
Imagine a CWIS or RAM system, or kinetic interception system, that could range, estimate, move and lead and fire on an inbound projectile at fractions of a second.
Now have a few cruisers or destoyers running escort in a Carrier Strike Group, inter connected with the carrier with their point defense weapons. All connected, and able to cover each other with incredible speed, and effeincey.
The point defense weapons are already here, the super advanced computer guidance is coming soon.
Also just most your carrier further out to sea, which would give ample warning to surface or air threats, and give the carriers jets plenty or breathing room to launch and retrieve CAP flights while always maintianing a defensive perimiter in the air.
Further out to sea means less chance at a pot shot from a land based launch platform.
Longe Range early warning aircraft enhance the myriad of protection around the carrier from air threats.
Submarines however... Will be getting a large jump in quietness and lethality if that particular technology keeps developing at the same pace.