Aint named crazy for nothin...

A long time ago I said:
I'm C/MSgt Jordan Shuping, CAP

Well, that is still the same.

I still procrastinate.

I am back... again.

I am now 16.

Have a different boyfriend... lol.

I am still busy.

And... yeah... I"M CRAZY.

Which is why everrrrrybody loves me. :D

Oh yeah, and I figured out that if you take out all the people that never posted before I joined, I'm the 14th member that joined, with all the people that didn't post, I'm the 28th.

Yay :-)
Why on earth have you changed your Avatar to the "banned" rank???

My PM box keeps getting flooded with PMs on why you're banned now... :lol:
Redleg said:
Why on earth have you changed your Avatar to the "banned" rank???

My PM box keeps getting flooded with PMs on why you're banned now... :lol:


Hehe... to cause chaos...

I'll change it back :-P

Oh yeah, and I was getting mad because the avatar that I want won't become a small enough size and it was all frustrating and everything and I saw the banned one when I was messing around so I figured it was pretty... dunno, neutral as to what I was slaving my personality too as my avatar. Ok so the slaving was a bit far-fetched.
Guess who's back----
back again----
~Crazy's back
tell a friend
Guess who's back, guess who's back,
guess who's ....

k, you get the point :)

I made this thread 3 years ago.. I'm now 18 years young, and... enjoying that... sorta :angel:.
Life has calmed down for the most part, when I'm not living at home anyway. I live with some
Army friends & my best friend. (21 & 22 y/o who live for jui jitsu, alcohol and ... living :cheers:)
and come home when I can't handle my parents screaming at me through the phone anymore.
I'm about to graduate high school, I've been accepted into college, and surprise surprise,
I'm not doing band. ((ok, omg. do I really have to keep hitting enter?? What happened to word
wrap???)) I'm takin AP government, and an online Spanish course, along with a few other gimme
classes. And aside from that, life is pretty boring I guess.

Pray for our soldiers!!!!! My Marine is back overseas, along with some other friends!
She's back?? This is really crazy! :shock:

Welcome back again, it's good to hear that things are a bit calmer now.. :smil:
oh man, you have no idea how good it is to say that they are calmer!!! I have yet to figure out how I managed to survive my first semester of senior year! 10ish hours of homework a night, working an almost full time job (got off around 11/12), plus marching band practice 2/3 times a week and games and competitions on weekends.... It makes me tired just thinking about it. Plus I wrecked my car, my best friend wrecked her car and about 5 other people wrecked their cars, so I got to play taxi cause mine was replaced the fastest lol.

But it's nice to be back :)