Que! what are you replying to me? If so your answer has nothing to do with what I said.
Thank you kindly for confirming that you consider that she is better than the others and that you would vote for her. No problem - so would I.
Que! what are you replying to me? If so your answer has nothing to do with what I said.
Absolutely. Obama is one of, if not the best orator in the entire presidential history as far as I'm concerned...She did fairly well, definitely better then McCain, but in my opinion not quite as well as Obama. He is without a doubt the best speaker of this election.
The one thing I noticed is that McCain (and to a lesser extent, Palin) was very vague on actual policy, if you know what I mean. He repeated his war story, talked about his goals, but never really had any specific policy points in his speech. Anyone else notice that?
You should go and find your reading glasses Del Boy.Thank you kindly for confirming that you consider that she is better than the others and that you would vote for her. No problem - so would I.
Wow... if this is the extend of someone's political spectrum, God have mercy. Is this person for real? If this is why he swings votes.... maybe McCain should get that guy who cried for Brittney Spears. That should really get a lot of new voters. Who ever heard of a political program or something?
I imagine it is not moderated by the Democratic party and therefore open to any manipulations (I imagine pro-republican posts on a democrat website would be deleted just as fast as pro-democrat posts on republican ones would be), it wouldn't surprise me if all the "I have swapped sides posts are the same guy registering different names 100000 times as the only way to verify any of this is for the folks that have swapped sides to prove that they have.(HCF is 100% Independent & has NO Affiliation with Hillary Clinton or her Campaign. Donations to meet operational costs accepted)
Face it you guys - the girl dun good; flying colours. I watched and heard every word this morning, and I reckon that I have had a glimpse of the future; I would hazard a bet that Hilary Clinton will never now become the first female President of USA.
Sarah Palin's performance was fantastic, no-one can gainsay that; John McCain has chosen well and those who did not know who she was certainly know now.
I say this - Let battle be joined, and God Bless America.
^^^A long, lonnnnngggg way ahead of himself.^^^
Politicians are far better judged at the end of their term than the start.
It's all just hot air for the moment.
I'd vote for her.
Colin Powell, aka The Bush Administration's first scapegoat, is one of very few Republicans I'd ever consider voting for.The sad thing about your list mmarsh is that the real JohnMcCain would not have swallowed hardly any of it a few years ago. He has really sold out to the religious right. I read today that Colin Powell is shocked at the direction McCain is taking to win the Presidency.
I have this feeling that if he does win, he might not be so accommodating to the religious right as they might have anticipated him to be. He'll only be a one term President, I think.
Pretty understandable there.I agree, off topic, but I agree... Colin Powell would make one helluva POTUS. Sadly, I think John McCain did sell his soul to the conservative devil a little bit. One must do what it takes if one is to be the President. I think that's why Powell didn't want to run.
I doubt it will happen. Heck, maverick is a term he lifted from someone else who dropped out of the race back in 2000.McCain has had to sell himself out, which is definitely too bad, but I hope that if he is elected he will go back to being his maverick self again. We need someone like that as president.
I have made very clear that I would vote for her only on her personality. I have stated quite clearly that I have neither the knowledge nor the faith to vote for a US politician based purely on "personality" perhaps unlike yourself.You must have seen a different broadcast in England, the one shown here was just the same old political pap as one expects from a politician. But as I said I think she's pretty down to earth as a person. I'd vote for her.
Unfortunately, I did not get to watch it since I cant have any media this year, but it sounds like it was a great speech. I am overjoyed about it, and it is great to know that democrats are seeing the light, and I am sure the swing vote it too. This is a great step in the right direction.
McCain has had to sell himself out, which is definitely too bad, but I hope that if he is elected he will go back to being his maverick self again. We need someone like that as president.