GUNNER said:
mvilla2426 said:
GUNNER said:
[ i'm not too sure about rape, the woman could still give the child for adoption.
speaking as someone who has suffered through a rape.... If it had impregnated me I'm not sure if I could have carried the child to term. Yes, the woman COULD give the child up for adoption....... But she's gotta carry that baby for nine months....... Theres a lot of psychology involved there, ya know??
yea i know, i've never suffered a rape, but of course it would be hard to go through with it. This is a hard topic especially if you've never been pregnant and have children, pregnancy is wonderful and babies are just miracles sent from god (now i sound like god sheesh) but until i had a baby really i thought a woman had a right to do whatever but now that i've been through pregnancy and watch my daughter playing and get hugs and kisses from her i just think it's wrong unless there is a medical reason for it. I thank god everyday for giving a beautiful, healthy baby.
I think we all agree that we don't want to abort your daughter, Gunner...

I think you look at this to much from the wrong perspective.
And giving children up for adoption is something so hard on the mother and the children, that you should never do that lightly. That should only be considered if there's no other way. I know there's lot's of people out there doing the best they can for children who are up for adoption or adopted, but those children are often pretty traumatized for the rest of their lives.
as for the "Heartbeat = life" phrase, I'm not a vegetarian, so I actually eat things that had a heartbeat once. The thing that sets us apart from (other) animals isn't the heartbeat, it's the cognitive processes. And I think that
sometimes people should consider that it's possible that those cognitive processes are better off not ever initiated than protected and burdened with trauma's and questions for the rest of their lives.
As for giving a child from a rape up for adoption, no, that's cruel and unusual punishment for someone that didn't do anything wrong in the first place; the mother. Not only does she have to deal with the rape (many women never fully recover) but now she has to be reminded of this for nine months, and then she can wonder for the rest of her life if the thing that made her attacker rape her, will make her son do the same thing to someone else.
I think that abortion should be the mother's free choice, with some rights for the father too btw, and that it's not fair if people that haven't been in a situation that left them not much of a choice, decide that it's "wrong".