A Thread about... NOTHING!

Nothing wrong with not having friends. I had plenty a few months ago. They had to go though because they werent good for my health or freedom. I say freedom because well let me do an estimate out of the 17 kids I use to hang out with at least 12 are in jail at this time 4 of them serving longer than a 5 year sentence. I still got one though and thats because he quit screwing around with the rediculous gang stuff like me and is trying to get his deploma now. Well what im trying to say is. All you really need is someone to talk to. Being so called "popular" isnt all that its cut out to be. Specially when your popular for the wrong things like being feared.
*uses ninja skills to get behind justin, and swaps his ammo for blanks*

yup... thin air tastes good these days!
Freedom of speech means nothing these days. Screw the world, i'm going making Red Dwarf and living on that. Kryton, Cat and Rimmer are easier to get along with than our lot today.
*walking though the woods and saw the shells on the ground* Sweet! Free shells! *picking the shells up and walk away*