A Thread about... NOTHING!

good!! hahahaha because it must be late there and your still drinking drinking drinking!!

It's so :cen: late, its not funny...hahahhahaha! bout' 12:30 am on a dark saturday hahahhahaha!! i just finished my 2nd bottle, so ill be crashing here in a a bit, lol.
Hahahhahahaha!!! I bet your fun to party with...a little too much for me though, hahahaha! :whip:

well, we once sang on a bus home (this is without alcohol, and with about 20 of us) "the bus driver's a w*nker!", then he stopped the bus and threatened to kick us off, so we calmed down... then, when we moved on again, we started singing "the bus driver's wife's a w*nker!"

he wasn't a happy bunny