my plan starts on the continent of africa, in some tiny ickle country well out of the media's view. Coup; enslave the population; make them work/feed them etc etc. train them all into a highly efficient military. take over an adjacent country: wash/rinse/repeat throughout africa. once that's done, establish it as a massive country and open up trade routes with america/russia/europe. move into the middle east: start with poorer countries, work up to richer. improve quality of life in poorer countries, and use the richer countries to subsidise invesments in other countries. once middle east is complete, move into russia: conquer russia using blitzkrieg tactic, and after the same process has been managed in russia move into mongolia/china/japan. continue this process until all that is left is the continent of america. start at the bottom: work upwards. by this point you are so massive nothing can stop you.