A Thread about... NOTHING!


Thank you so much for sending me an eMail with my password to the account I forgot my password to.

That is *&^%ing ducky.

Good thing I am a good guesser and finally figured it out.

Stupid Hotmail.
Not a good month, computer wise, yah.

That was my own stupidity though, partly. I usually am meticulous about passwords and I just kind of picked a random one when I was re-doing them last time. Obviously it was a little too random.

...but come on. Sending me the password to the account I can't get into? Wow.
Pixie hit the computer with arock, if that doesn't fix teh problem get a different computer

(trust me on this it really works)
Yeah, yeah. *sigh* You're costing me a fortune, honey. :p But sooooo totally worth it when you get that degree and get to be famous. ;)