Whew... inspection is over :)


Active member
Well.. it was over yesterday... I'm in Area Four, and our school had CDR Joseph Hankins come in...

In the inspection part, I got outstanding :) (I dunno about other places, but outstanding is highest :))

Btw, I'm NS-1.
We have ours on February 2nd, next week. Area Four, Commander J. Hankins. I'm second platoon, 1st squad leader. For some reason, they won't let me command the colorguard for it. (Our SNSI Commander S. Wolfe believes the battalion will benefit more from my spot as a platoon leader.)

I'm looking forward to it, as I'm getting five ribbons and a promotion. Lol.
CadetEnsignAraque said:
ur from area 4? me too what school r u from im from linden i had my inspection on december 1st
William Floyd, I was at you're high school not too long ago.. I didn't do to well in the NS-1 Basic... I know it, even if everyone is telling me I did good.
Woo! We just had our inspection earlier today. We sadly found out that our 1st Sgt is leaving on the 14th. Because of, once again, personality conflicts with Commander. Same reason our Senior Chief left last year. Grr. But, we passed inspection. I got Outstanding, thankfully.

And yes, Araque, we did look like idiots. But, no one laughed at us. :-p
Area 7

Well... over here in Dunedin, we can't wait for this inspection to be over!!! It's this Thursday and we have CDR Hebert. We're prepared and everything, but the level of stress is reaching the limit. We have a great staff and everyone wants to see us achieve. Wish us luck over in Area 7!

PS: Has anyone else been inspected by CDR Hebert? How does he inspect? Should we be ready for any "surprises?"

C/LTJG Mathew Eberius
Operations Officer