deerslayer said:Hmmm...
Has a specific goal- to kill people and break things
does not live up to that goal- peacekeeping is the job of the UN.(Ok, let's not get carried away)
Eats up a huge portion of the budget
Few of the projects on that budget are of definite use.
Highly politicall motivated in upper echelons
Keeps me safe in my own bed
I have role models from past heroism
Idealistic at lower levels for most officers
Patriotic duty
Paid education
Hey, I get to use firearms, and that's a plus in my book ANY day
all I can think of at the moment
Chief Bones said:Army -trains you to be a Radio Repairman and then makes you a Radio Operator where the closest you come to repairing a radio is when you replace a battery. (6 years of Army service)
Navy - trains you to be a Hull Tech and then puts you on a ship where you spend at least half the year at sea. (15 years of Naval service)
Air Force - trains you to be an Engine Mechanic and then allows you to spend almost all of your 20 years of service at one base (sometimes). (was stationed at an Air Force base for 9 months)
Reserve Forces - train you to do a whole variety of jobs and then when a war is declared or a trouble spot is invaded, you are the one who is sent into harms way. (3 years on a Reserve ship - active duty training personnel)
Marines - trains you to be a Clerk Typist and then puts you in a forward unit where the main thing they train you to do is to take a beach (or) to act as the forward units for the Reserve Forces in a war zone.. (some of my best friends were Marines in Bermuda .. 3 years as Security Guard / Police/Range Master / Weapons Department)
Coast Guard - trains you to be a Diesel Mechanic and then assign you to various Coast Guard Cutters where the most exciting thing you do is to go on drug interdiction operations with Naval units. (almost 7 years stationed at the same docks as the Coast Guard)
Cadet Seaman said:Seeing as how you can't produce something from nothing, I guess they need money.
Seeing as how the National Guard provides relief and aid in natural and manmade disasters, they keep the boogie man off the front steps and back porch, help in the development of new and old devices, and alot of the house hold things we take for granted everyday. Has helped keep our country to stay free of oppresion and tyranny.
Specific Goal: Support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
MommaGof4 said:Wow reading all these posts...makes me wonder if they are any TRUE benefits to joining any service. I am starting to get scared that my husbands LIFE changing decision might not be what our family needs or wants. He wants to serve and better our family. All the above posts (some of you with a LOT of time in) makes me think stayin at his job and where we are out ways anything any branch has to offer us!
what the heck does it mean only 50% pay at retirement after 20 yrs???
Coming down to draw...waiting on dependant wavier, going to MEPS for MOS search and meeting with conselor. I think I want to keep my man home now more than ever. Is any of the above worth him missing out time with us and seeing his children every night, reading to them and tucking them in??????????
~more confused than ever~
MommaGof4 said:Wow reading all these posts...makes me wonder if they are any TRUE benefits to joining any service. I am starting to get scared that my husbands LIFE changing decision might not be what our family needs or wants. He wants to serve and better our family. All the above posts (some of you with a LOT of time in) makes me think stayin at his job and where we are out ways anything any branch has to offer us!
what the heck does it mean only 50% pay at retirement after 20 yrs???
Coming down to draw...waiting on dependant wavier, going to MEPS for MOS search and meeting with conselor. I think I want to keep my man home now more than ever. Is any of the above worth him missing out time with us and seeing his children every night, reading to them and tucking them in??????????
~more confused than ever~
Cadet Seaman said:I'm meself am not serving yet and am probably not the best one to give advice, but my father is about to retire, he has 25 years in the guard and 21 Active Duty. I've discussed it with him, he says that inorder for you to get 50% for 20 years you've gotta be in the top three.