I Italian Guy Milforum Hitman Oct 13, 2005 #106 As a tyrant, I can always change. Being cheated on by your partner and knowing it or being unaware and not suffer?
As a tyrant, I can always change. Being cheated on by your partner and knowing it or being unaware and not suffer?
F FutureDevilDog Active member Oct 13, 2005 #107 I rather be aware, then I can beat the :cen: out of him. Having really, bad explosive Diarhea or having extremely unbarible, sit on the toilet for hours, trying but failing constipation.
I rather be aware, then I can beat the :cen: out of him. Having really, bad explosive Diarhea or having extremely unbarible, sit on the toilet for hours, trying but failing constipation.
ghost457 Active member Oct 13, 2005 #108 hmmm, thats a tough one, i think i would choose diarrhea, though hmmm, would you rather have a hot sister or a hot cousin?
hmmm, thats a tough one, i think i would choose diarrhea, though hmmm, would you rather have a hot sister or a hot cousin?
F FutureDevilDog Active member Oct 13, 2005 #109 Ummm, I guess a hot cousin? I don't really know. Fried or Baked chicken
I Italian Guy Milforum Hitman Oct 13, 2005 #112 Burned Cd of course. Living in North Korea or under the Taliban?
sunb! Forum Barbecuer Oct 13, 2005 #113 Though question my friend, I go for the Taliban - I might slip straight into the political scene with my current beard :mrgreen: LOST or CSI? (have this been asked before? To lazy to check it out...)
Though question my friend, I go for the Taliban - I might slip straight into the political scene with my current beard :mrgreen: LOST or CSI? (have this been asked before? To lazy to check it out...)
Grimnar Active member Oct 13, 2005 #115 Inf. sneaky-stealth-ninja or the biggest gun(s) you can find? :biggun: Edit: I was too slow
Rob Henderson Banned Oct 13, 2005 #116 BIGGEST GUNS YOU CAN POSSIBLY HAVE BABY!!!! :rambo: :9mm: :2guns: :biggun: :sniper: :santam16: WHOOOHOOOO! Hamburgers or Hotdogs?
BIGGEST GUNS YOU CAN POSSIBLY HAVE BABY!!!! :rambo: :9mm: :2guns: :biggun: :sniper: :santam16: WHOOOHOOOO! Hamburgers or Hotdogs?
sunb! Forum Barbecuer Oct 13, 2005 #117 Hum well - I go for the hamburger as that takes the longest time to make at the "Stop'n Go" down the street from where I live. The girls there are :shock: gourgeous - wanna spend the most time in there when I'm around 8) CS gas or pepper spray?
Hum well - I go for the hamburger as that takes the longest time to make at the "Stop'n Go" down the street from where I live. The girls there are :shock: gourgeous - wanna spend the most time in there when I'm around 8) CS gas or pepper spray?
Rob Henderson Banned Oct 13, 2005 #118 Well Cs gas is not very fun but pepper spray is eaiser to get your hands on....I sprayed myself with it once...it burns...I think im gonna hafta go with pepper spray just cause I know how effective it is...oww... Full size van or mini van?
Well Cs gas is not very fun but pepper spray is eaiser to get your hands on....I sprayed myself with it once...it burns...I think im gonna hafta go with pepper spray just cause I know how effective it is...oww... Full size van or mini van?
sunb! Forum Barbecuer Oct 13, 2005 #119 Full size van, I need to bring a lot of "tools" with me from time to time. Steel or Plastic batons?