You both mention some good points..
School fights are just that, nothing really all that serious to worry about. What I am on about is more life threatening situations. Such as squaddies might come into contact with while "on the Job" or when down the bar the random guy comes across with a bunch of his mates saying you were talking shit about his bird.
Although I train martial arts, (and personally think the way I train and what I train has a lot of real world applicable stuff i.e. no fancy stances, no jumping spinning twirling fliping kicks. no unrealistic he will puch at you with a reverse punch from the him kind of stuff) I am finding that mind set is more important. I have seen in fights, someone who is although not very skilled in fighting having the full on determination to beat the person/persons attacking him, he will fair much better than if he was worried about defending himself.
I also find that most martial arts classes do not teach this mind set but rather stop its development. putting the student at a serious disadvantage when he or she fights as he or she will hesitate. (and in a fight, be it fists, knives or with guns, hesitation can mean life or death).
Auzzy Nick has a point. one important factor of fighting I feel is violence of action. By this I mean not standing up clearing a space making sure the other person is ready to go, bringing in some mates to moderate the fight etc.. If you are in a position where you are going to have to fight you should do it there and then, bamn.. nutralise their attack before it starts if possible.
Even in hand to hand combat weapons are a very serious issue. everywhere around us are things that can be used as weapons. The pint glass in your hand at the bar.. etc.. all come into consideration..
I guess my point is really what is the important factor. Skills, mind set or a bit of both?
Wing Nut