

Forum Health Inspector
Hey, BTW, wad's a DCU? care to elaborate? MAybe post some pics?

Desert Combat Uniform- the one we're phasing out along with the BDU (battle dress uniform) and in their place putting the ACU. Google it if you want pics.

My com's Google sem to have problems so can you help me!

zander_0633 said:
My com's Google sem to have problems so can you help me!

You've probably been blocked from Google by your Government.

Oh! I don't think so
! In my school, I can use google!

Maytime said:
Desert Combat Uniform- the one we're phasing out along with the BDU (battle dress uniform) and in their place putting the ACU. Google it if you want pics.

What is that older desert unifrom called that is still being used by many countries and was made famous in the US in the 1991 gulf war?

I thought that was the DCU...?

AJChenMPH said:
I thought that was the DCU...?


^Six Day Color Desert Camo "Choclate Chip"^ ^Three Day Color^

Ok, thanks! I heard the british's desert camo is much better than the three colour camo!

zander_0633 said:
Ok, thanks! I heard the british's desert camo is much better than the three colour camo!

The US nolong use the Three Day Color as standard issue, it's now ACU's and MARPAT.

Cadet Seaman said:
The US nolong use the Three Day Color as standard issue, it's now ACU's and MARPAT.

..and DCUs, BDUs and various others. We stopped using the Chocolate Chips in the 90s, though.

Oh, So after the 1991 Iraq war, the US no longer use the six colour desert camo! SO now in Iraq they are using the new Marpat ACU! Ok! thanks!

zander, MARPAT and ACU are two different things. MARPAT= Marine Pattern, ACU= Army Combat Uniform.

zander_0633 said:
Oh, So after the 1991 Iraq war, the US no longer use the six colour desert camo! SO now in Iraq they are using the new Marpat ACU! Ok! thanks!

No, we still had the Chocolate Chips until around the mid-90s.

Also, not everyone wears MARPAT or the ACUs.

ok, from wad I know, ACU is for the US Army, MARPAT is for the US Marines and the Chocolate ship is now given to the New Iraqi Army!

Cadet Seaman said:
The US nolong use the Three Day Color as standard issue, it's now ACU's and MARPAT.

I remember seeing Marines wear MARPAT while Soldiers still wore DCU.
Seems the USMC stole the MARPAT design from Canada's CADPAT, or so this wikipedia article claims: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/MARPAT

It's in German. I'll translate later...

Well, I think there is a Englich version!

Mohmar Deathstrike said:
I remember seeing Marines wear MARPAT while Soldiers still wore DCU.
Seems the USMC stole the MARPAT design from Canada's CADPAT, or so this wikipedia article claims: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/MARPAT

It's in German. I'll translate later...

They didn't "steal" it. The Marine Corps put in a lot of money into R&D for a new pattern, part of R&D is taking what's already out there and seeing if you can make it work for you. CADPAT was good stuff, so they used it as a template for their own pattern and design.

The digial camo idea was originally from a US Army guy, a LTC by the name of Timothy O’Neill. Both CADPAT and MARPAT are products of his idea.

Oh, that I didn't know!

I posted a thread on the history of digital camo on this forum. http://www.military-quotes.com/forum/showthread.php?t=18595&highlight=camouflage. thats the link.

I was just looking at the new ACU, and was wondering why the hell are they grey.

it's not all grey you know, they said that combination of colours can match most terrain in the world!
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Off topic posts

:offtopic: Do you think you guys could get back to the original topic? Start a new thread about types of uniforms or camouflage if you must. Never mind I did it for you.
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