U.S. wants Ukraine to remain unified, cautions Russia


U.S. wants Ukraine to remain unified, cautions Russia

Anti-Yanukovich protesters stand guard at the national bankoffice in Kiev February 23, 2014. REUTERS/David Mdzinarishvili
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. officials insistedon Sunday that Ukraine should remain unified and cautioned that any militaryintervention by Russia would be a mistake after bloody street protests oustedthe pro-Moscow president.
In an appearance on the NBC TV program"Meet the Press," National Security Adviser Susan Rice was askedabout a scenario in which Russia would send troops to restore a government morefriendly to Moscow, or for the country to be carved up.

"That would be a grave mistake. It is notin the interests of Ukraine or of Russia or of Europe or the United States tosee the country split. It's in nobody's interest to see violence return and thesituation escalate," Rice said.
Rice's appearance provided the most extensiveWhite House comments yet on days of drama in Ukraine in which opposition groupswith leanings toward western Europe took control and Russian-backed PresidentViktor Yanukovich left the capital, Kiev.
Many in Washington regard the next few days ascrucial to the fast-unfolding crisis. With the Winter Olympic Games ending inSochi, Russia, President Vladimir Putin could focus more closely on theUkrainian situation.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry spoke by telephone onSunday with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, expressing support for theUkrainian parliament's latest moves. Kerry has also been in touch with some ofUkraine's opposition leaders.
The State Department said on Saturday it wouldsend its No. 2 official, Bill Burns, to Kiev this week.
Rice said the United States wants a reduction ofthe violence in Ukraine, constitutional changes, democratic elections "invery short order," and the opportunity for Ukrainians to come together ina coalition government.
The fluidity of Ukraine's situation is such thatU.S. authorities are not sure where Yanukovich is. There had been reports hehas retreated to the pro-Russian eastern part of Ukraine.
"He is in a place where it will revealitself. Yesterday we knew where he was. Today we're not so sure," Ricesaid.
The crisis in Ukraine reflects the conflictbetween those who want the country to remain aligned with Russia and those whowant closer integration with western Europe.
But Rice said those goals were not"mutually exclusive".
"There is not an inherent contradiction ...between a Ukraine that has longstanding historic and cultural ties to Russiaand a modern Ukraine that wants to integrate more closely with Europe,"Rice said.
Ukraine's messy drive toward democracy, duringwhich dozens have been killed, was ultimately positive, Rice said: "Overtime, this trajectory is a good one."
Her comments were echoed by Geoffrey Pyatt, theU.S. ambassador to Ukraine, in an interview on Sunday with National PublicRadio.
"It's been thrilling, exhausting, but alsoinspiring," Pyatt said. "What comes in the weeks ahead is a secondchance for Ukrainian democracy, a chance to make the institutions work."
On Sunday, Ukraine's parliament, exercisingpower since mass protests caused Yanukovich to flee, named its new speaker,Oleksander Turchinov, as acting head of state and worked to form a newgovernment.
Pyatt said the United States had been"encouraged" by actions in the Rada, Ukraine's parliament and the"democratic process through which Mr Turchinov was selected as thespeaker."
"There are now intensive consultationsgoing on among all the political parties to shape a successor government,"Pyatt said.
He said the United States is in close touch withauthorities in Ukraine, including the Interior Ministry, the intelligenceagency and the police, to urge "the importance of gaining rapid authorityover the instruments of state power."
The European Union and Russia, vying forinfluence over the former Soviet republic of 46 million people on theirborders, considered their next moves on Sunday.
Russia, which had provided funding toYanukovich's government, said it would keep cash on hold until it sees who isin charge.
Asked whether Putin looked at Russia's sphere ofinfluence in Ukraine in a Cold War context, Rice said that "he may".
"But if he does, that's a pretty datedperspective that doesn't reflect where the people of Ukraine are coming from.This is not about the U.S. and Russia," Rice added.
Two lawmakers urged the Obama administration tomake clear that Ukraine's territorial integrity must be protected.
"The message has to be sent to him (Putin)that let the Ukrainian people determine their own future, and a partition ofUkraine ... is totally unacceptable," Republican Senator John McCain, akey Republican voice on foreign policy, told the CBS program "Face theNation".
"And we need to act immediately to givethem (Ukrainians) the economic assistance that they need, based on reforms thatare going to be required, as well. So it's going to be tough sledding."
bob Corker, the top Republican on the SenateForeign Relations Committee, said in a statement: "The United Statesshould do everything possible to ensure Ukraine remains one country and thattheir territorial and political integrity is maintained, allowing them thefreedom to choose a future within Europe."
U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew met his Russiancounterpart, Anton Siluanov, on the sidelines of a Group of 20 meeting inSydney on Sunday to discuss the Ukrainian crisis.
"Secretary Lew emphasized that the UnitedStates, working with other countries including Russia, stands ready to assistUkraine as it implements reforms to restore economic stability and seeks toreturn to a path of democracy and growth," a Treasury Department officialsaid.
Reporting by Will Dunham and Ros Krasny;Additional reporting by Roberta Rampton in Washington and Ian Chua in Sydney;Editing by Sophie Hares and Grant McCool)
I am thinking: why these white guys in the US always like a woman point a finger at Russia,why these European don't like a tough guys put a real battle.? Aren't these white guys( soviet and west countries) the bravest men on our planet? ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,:angel:

May be the European (US and Russia) play a show so -call "cold war", tell Earth people, Asian and African ,American Indian looking, our European are really 'hate' each other.

These European propaganda these white guys (west countries and soviet union) are the bravest men in the world . They even don't care attack each other use hydrogen bombs!

The European and fcuking JEWS ,stop propaganda you " civil war" to Earth people, we had no interesting!
As a Chinese, I am boring watch these European( west countries and soviet) play a show "cold war" for 40 years on their medias .television and newspaper.
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These are comments copy from other forums:

Steph Scott 14 hours ago 13 39
Lets do the score card
1) Killed Bin Laden
2) Removed Ghadafi
3) Confiscated Syria's Chemical weapons.
4) Halted Iran nuclear enrichment.
5) Least amount of Isreal/Palestine violence in any 5 year span in the last 3decades.
6) American popularity in the world highest in the last 13 years.
7) American lives lost : 4 in Benghazi
1) Looked for WMD in Iraq with no success
2) Engaged in 2 wars with no identifiable victory.
3) Removed Sadam Husein
4) American popularity in the world worst in 4 decades.
5) Could not kill Bin Laden.
6) Accelerated Iran and N.Korea nuclear chase.
7) American lives lost: 5000.
All you FAKE TOUGH GUY GOPers need to shut the hell up. Sounding tough is notequal to being tough. Show us something you have achieved.

Correct me if I'mwrong, wasn't Ukraine a a state set up after word war two with part of thecountry being sliced from Poland?
Why is it the business of the US to insist that it not be divided?
Shouldn't this be a decision of the people that occupy the territory?
Are we going to start another cold war or hot one over this?
Lets take care of the problems we have in the US before we throw our nonexistent weight around.


Rick M 16 hours ago 18赞 2踩
So what would beso terrible about an "East Ukraine" and a "West Ukraine"?the eastern part of Ukraine is mainly of the Orthodox Faith and very Russian innature. The western part of the country is predominantly Catholic and tends tobe more westernized. It would seem in the best interest of the majority of theUkrainian people to feel comfortable with their national identity. For example,the west could join the EU and the east could have their closer ties withRussia. The solution should be what is best for the people, not what thepoliticians in Moscow, Washington, and Brussels want.


MISTER 17 hours ago 1赞 2踩
Simply all onesneeds to do is look at the Korea's


Mike 17 hours ago 5赞 0踩
If the people ofUkraine choose it to be that way, then so be it. They need to determine thatfor themselves.


Commenter 17 hours ago 31赞 0踩
Last time we allsaw Suzie Rice she was covering up the deaths of Americans in Benghazi.


Don M 19 hours ago 27赞 7踩
The only reasonRice is even in any position is as a payoff for lying about Benghazi.


Hurley 18 hours ago 35赞 2踩
Russia doesn'tneed to send in any forces in the Ukraine. All they have to do is cut off thenatural gas supply.


。For the uneducatedidiots here.. Putin is laughing at Rice and Obama, but the truth is, Putin cannot be allowed to take over Ukraine. Ukraine is the finale piece of the puzzlePutin needs to rebuild the Soviet Union. He needs access to Poland and otherwestern countries through Ukraine. Putin needs the Black Sea ports..It will notbe Obama, but I feel it will be Germany and others that will stop the rise of aNew Soviet Union


I think we shouldlet the cards fall where they may. This is the Ukrainians land,country andultimately just there decision. Russia the US and every other country shouldstay out of this dispute! Let the people decide for themselves how therecountry will end up.We should never push people to make a decision. Democracyallows us to have freedoms to decide what we want, and if we are set on seeingthese freedoms be offered to all then we should start by letting the peoplehave the freedom to decide on there own without outside pressure.May theUkrainians find there path and may it be a blessed and fruitful one.
European! as a citizen of our Earth,nobody care,nobody want to watch your show,so-call "cold war" . The Russia and west Europe(US), play your 'cold war' game on the Mars.don't pollute our eyes.

These European very sucess in colonize America continent,Africa continent and Asia continent. In this course, these European don't forget tell other race of the Earth: look, our European are really "hate" each other.

Sure ,if these white people are really "hate" each other? Can you tell me? why these white people(inculde JEWS) got a visa or imigrate America,Canada,Austria,Brazil are much more easier than a Asian or a African?
of course, this race discrimination.

second,if these white are really 'hate' each other, can you tell me why the US can't help Japan got the Kuril Islands who capture by Russian? or these white guys just want make use of Japanese ?

One thing can be sure, the European will continue use their media tell the Asisan ,African and American Indian in next one hundred years.

These European are really "hate' other, relly really 'HATE' ! Sooooooooooo-bore!
Because the European very clever and had many "high-technology." No one race want to challenge these white guys dominate the planet!

But please don't play "a good cop,a bad cop' tricks in front of our face , and stop play a show so-call 'cold war'! nobody had interesting watch this show.
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[FONT=宋体]The European already rule the world for [/FONT][FONT=宋体]a long times[/FONT][FONT=宋体]. So these white guys like to show their superiority than Asian,African and American Indian.[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]When the Chinese cooperate with African. The media of the European accused the Chinese are new colon[/FONT][FONT=宋体]ia[/FONT][FONT=宋体]lis[/FONT][FONT=宋体]t[/FONT][FONT=宋体]! These white guys should asked why the African didn't like the European. The white colonize Africa continent for hundreds of years. After they extract the resource and they leave. They even [/FONT][FONT=宋体]did not [/FONT][FONT=宋体]leave a decent to[/FONT][FONT=宋体]i[/FONT][FONT=宋体]l[/FONT][FONT=宋体]e[/FONT][FONT=宋体]t for African people. [/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]So African people never trust these white guys anymore. no matter the west medias how they shame Chinese. [/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]The China support and construct Africa only for twenty[/FONT][FONT=宋体] years[/FONT][FONT=宋体]. [/FONT][FONT=宋体]But[/FONT][FONT=宋体] Chinese built a lot of railway,highway,hospital[/FONT][FONT=宋体]s[/FONT][FONT=宋体]`communication station,airport,play ground [/FONT][FONT=宋体]....[/FONT][FONT=宋体]for African. [/FONT][FONT=宋体]Exceed all a[/FONT]chievement
[FONT=宋体]these white construction in hundreds years.[/FONT][FONT=宋体] Elev[/FONT][FONT=宋体]a[/FONT][FONT=宋体]te the living standard of African.[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]The African people already abandon the European forever! Because these white guys slave and exploit them for a long times.[/FONT][FONT=宋体] These white and Jews, nobody care what your talk many bullsh!T on your medias.[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]Now[/FONT][FONT=宋体]days ,The cooperation China and African are win-win. The Chinese can get m[/FONT][FONT=宋体]a[/FONT][FONT=宋体]t[/FONT][FONT=宋体]eria[/FONT][FONT=宋体]l from Africa. African can get income from export resource.They will buy the car ,icebox ,computer ,generate-power ,recorder,motorcycle,[/FONT][FONT=宋体]machines,household items[/FONT][FONT=宋体]....[/FONT][FONT=宋体]....[/FONT][FONT=宋体]every commodities they need.[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]China bring the modern civili[/FONT][FONT=宋体]z[/FONT][FONT=宋体]ation to African.[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]China produce 20 millions car in 2012, Africa continent is most potential market![/FONT]
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What white guys? Obama is black, Susan Rice is a black woman. Most Americans, disagree with Obama's foreign policy, or are to stupid to understand what he's doing. You must have never travelled around the US, unlike China, the US is a melting pot of people from every country. Hell, many people that you would call white have blood from American Indians, or even some African blood. My mother's family can trace their lineage back to Morocco, my wife came from Korea. You need to get off your racist high horse and meet some other people. Just as we have little or no say what our government does, neither do you.
:read:THE Ukraine very unlucky, the Russian always invade the country who US back up.Last time the Russian invade the Georgia in 2008,the US dare not send troops back up his ally.The Russian always slap the face of American. The other countries shall consider they be allies with US or not. The American always betrayed and sell his alliance.

The American, send army to Ukraine ,show the Russian you are the tough guys, not a cowards!
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Source: China News

The situation in Ukraine, the U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, said he would not clear that their options. But if it continues to advance toward the provocative way, it will be very dangerous. When asked about possible intervention of US, he said, American prepared to be resolved diplomatically, it is appropriate and responsible manner.


So, the American politician become cowards ? They would not send American soldiers back up the Ukraine people who eager the freedom?
Oh, 7 billions people rest the world are very disappointed!:D
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Ukraine declared troops on combat state

Ukraine took the Ukrainian presidential duties,Turchinov ordered the Ukrainian armed forces into full combat readiness. Russian Federal Commission ,earlier in the day agreed to Russian President Vladimir Putin to use military force on the territory of Ukraine until the country's situation to restore stability.
Ukrainian National Security and Defense Committee ,to study countermeasures. Turchinov and Prime Minister Jacek nyuk, Defense Minister Jieniu Ke agent at the end of the meeting, held together with a media briefing, Ukrainian television were broadcast.
Turchinov said that taking into account the potential for aggression, he ordered the Ukrainian armed forces into full combat readiness, strengthening of nuclear power plants, airports and strategic infrastructure protection.
He said the national Security and Defense Committee to develop a detailed plans response A military invasion . He stressed that Russia's leaders called Ukrainian Russian citizens or Russian citizens under threatened ,
is "coined and lie." He called on Ukrainian citizens to remain calm and confident, forget all quarrels and conflicts, united around the country. Jacek nyuk called for Black Sea Fleet forces withdraw and prepare the permanent political dialogue, he also announced Ukraine ready defend its sovereignty. He said the military intervention on the territory of Ukraine is unacceptable. He also said does not believe that Russian armed intervention! armed intervention is begin of war ,and the end of the relationship between Russia and Ukraine.
I don't think that I'm an appeaser or unpatriotic, but for the life of me I can't figure out why the U.S. thinks that it has any business telling Russia what to do with regard to the Crimea. That is like Russia telling the U.S. what to do with regard to Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands.
Russia has both present and historic interests in the Crimea. It was considered part of Russia for ages, and the Russians have major military bases there. Most of the people in the Crimea speak Russian. There are large numbers of Russian military and civilian personnel there in bases that Russia leases from the Ukraine.
As long as the Russians confine their takeover to the Crimea, i don't think that the U.S. has a leg to stand on. In addition to which, all the posturing in the world is just a useless exercise because the Russians will stay there as long as they like, unless we intend military action to expel them, and we certainly do not.
IS that a excuse of a coward? That is said, even Crimea independant from Ukraine, These American cowards dare not face confront Russian. :mrgreen:
Where is the freedom? Doesn't the Howllyhood publicize these white guys of US are the bravest men in the world? lol:mrgreen:
The countries locate Europe and Asia shall consider they be allies with US or not. The American always betrayed and sell his alliance.

I don't think that I'm an appeaser or unpatriotic, but for the life of me I can't figure out why the U.S. thinks that it has any business telling Russia what to do with regard to the Crimea. That is like Russia telling the U.S. what to do with regard to Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands.
Russia has both present and historic interests in the Crimea. It was considered part of Russia for ages, and the Russians have major military bases there. Most of the people in the Crimea speak Russian. There are large numbers of Russian military and civilian personnel there in bases that Russia leases from the Ukraine.
As long as the Russians confine their takeover to the Crimea, i don't think that the U.S. has a leg to stand on. In addition to which, all the posturing in the world is just a useless exercise because the Russians will stay there as long as they like, unless we intend military action to expel them, and we certainly do not.
Where are the aircraft-carriers battle groups of US? come on ,dispatch they to Black sea,immtimidate Russian. lol. "Red alert, weapons tie.'

Sorry, I forgot the aircraft-carriers fleet like a toy under the nuke strike.:mrgreen:
Japan slaps China in the face daily with their control of the Senkakus. Why won't China grow some balls and do something about it? China has all these new fancy weapons they copied coupled with an inexperienced military that has not seen real battle since the Korean War.
Ukrainian Foreign Minister asked for NATO protection

According to Russian network report, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry March 1 to asked NATO to use their ability to protect Ukraine's sovereignty, territorial integrity. " Due to Russian military aggression ".
People March 2 hearing, according to the Russian bond network March 1 report, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry evening of March 1 to consider a request by NATO to use their ability to protect Ukraine's sovereignty, territorial integrity and protect the territory of the Ukrainian people and the Ukrainian nuclear facilities, grounds is subject to the "military aggression" threat of Russia. Ukraine's Foreign Ministry also issued a similar request to the European Union and the United States.
Foreign Minister Jie Xicha stressed Ukraine strongly support the peaceful resolution of the conflict, it is recommended representatives of international organizations send to Ukrainian, convinced that the violence against minorities does not happen.
new Prime Minister Jacek Nucor announced, Russia sent troops into the territory of Ukraine means bilateral relations broke. National Security Council has ordered military forces into combat readiness, protect nuclear power plants, airports and other vital strategic infrastructure.
Britain, Germany, the French government, and Foreign Affairs Catherine Ashton of EU, NATO Secretary General, the UN Secretary General has expressed concern about Russia's actions. Asked fo UK, UN Security Council held an emergency meeting to discuss the relevant situation.
The Japanese control Senkakus? lol , Chinese never admit the Sovereignty of Japan in Senkakus. China often send ships and plane entry the sea of Senkakus defiance Japanese. Does the CNN news tell you that?

Japan slaps China in the face daily with their control of the Senkakus. Why won't China grow some balls and do something about it? China has all these new fancy weapons they copied coupled with an inexperienced military that has not seen real battle since the Korean War.