Tina Eaton Blackwell


New Member
My dad's name was Glen Eaton. He was in the 535th AAA AW Battalion in WWII. I have just learned there is a book that was written about this battalion called, "Battalion from the Mojave: History of the 535th AAA AW Battalion". I have got to have a copy of this book. But, I only see one on Amazon and it sells for around 150 dollars...I can't afford that. But, I really want this book. Does anyone out there know where I could get a copy of that book for less money than that?
Also, is there anyone out there that was a member of this battalion? Or, is there anyone out there whose dad was a member of this battalion? Please let me know! I would love to talk to someone who knew my dad, or whose father might have known my dad...
Thanks so much....God bless! Tina