The Liberators Have Landed


Active member
Hi guys!

This was a story I wrote for my English GCSE. I got a B for it and was 1 or 2 marks of an A. So I was really pleased but rather annoyed I just missed out on an A. Anyway. The story is based on a British tank crew who land on the Normandy beaches, Gold beach if I am correct, in an M4 Sherman using the DD Floating Tank equipment. Hence the name The Liberators have Landed, a spin off of The Eagle has Landed by Jack Higgins. I put as much research as I could behind this 10 minute read of work and it is as realistic as I could make it. Though some of you on the site can probably find some faults in it. But anyway, I wanted to put this up here because I wanted to see what you guys made of it. I've had to compress the file so it will fit on so it is in a zip folder and the font size is a 12, respectable but some may want to increase.

So anyway, I hope you like and I'd love to hear what you think of it.


P.S It's entitled 2 because it was my second edition when I made improvements.


Hi Yin

I think it is good. The structure of the story is very good and it seems very credible.
The characters are nicely described and I liked that the battle was not over dramatized.

The only thing I could find was that it's probably not everybody that knows what a 88 and 42 is.

All in all; a very nice story that you may well be proud of.
Hi Yin

I think it is good. The structure of the story is very good and it seems very credible.
The characters are nicely described and I liked that the battle was not over dramatized.

The only thing I could find was that it's probably not everybody that knows what a 88 and 42 is.

All in all; a very nice story that you may well be proud of.

Hey thanks!

You know, I never considered when I was writing, Too focused on getting it alot closer to the reality of the times. I'll take that on board if I ever write another piece like that again. Thanks!
At least as good as many novels on the bookshop shelves.

Coming from a bloke with few literary skills my appraisal means little, but I think you have a good readable style of writing.