The last time the British "Fixed Bayonets!"

I was acting sergeant on weapons intelligence, we were having an explosives destruction day destroying seized terrorist plastic explosives. My colleague - a fellow RMP corporal and I were invited for lunch, we were in combats for the day, I had a Norgie shirt whereas my colleague had a combat shirt with 3 stripes under his jacket. No Norgies were allowed in the mess. Our Black Watch range officer (a CSgt) lent me one of his combat shirts as we were a similar build. Off we set for lunch. We had just got our meals when the RSM spotted 2 strangers in his mess and invited us to sit with him. My hoop was twitching like a rabbit's nose! He asked who we were and what we were doing, we explained that we were RMP weapons intelligence on a destruction day, he was very interested in what we were doing. I was never so relieved to get out of there. He even commented on the old joke of you can tell when you're getting old when the police look younger - I was only 22! 🤣🤣🤣