Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards

Team Infidel

Forum Spin Doctor
What a dumb :cen:

Just who is Russell Brand?
If his aim was to be noticed by America, Russell Brand more than achieved his goal last night as he ranted that President Bush was a “retarded cowboy” while hosting the MTV awards.
The British comedian, who is a virtual unknown in America, left the crème of the music world stunned as he championed Barack Obama, ran down George Bush and made lewd jokes about the Christian pop band Jonas Brothers.
Ignoring the renowned patriotism of Americans, Brand told the Hollywood audience they must vote for Barrack Obama “on behalf of the world”, before insinuating that America had lower standards than Britain when it came to picking leaders.
Just who is Russell Brand?
"Some people, I think they're called racists, say America is not ready for a black president.
"But I know America to be a forward thinking country because otherwise why would you have let that retard and cowboy fella be president for eight years?
"We were very impressed. We thought it was nice of you to let him have a go, because, in England, he wouldn't be trusted with a pair of scissors."
Members of the studio audience, including Britney Spears, who was making a much-hyped comeback appearance, and Hannah Montana star Miley Cyrus, looked horrified at Brand’s jokes.
American Idol winner turned chart-topper Jordin Sparks was so incensed by a joke about Christian band Jonas Brothers that she launched her own tirade at the host.
The teenage singer, who wears a ring symbolising her belief in abstaining from sex until marriage, snapped at Brand: "I just want to say, it's not bad to wear a promise ring because not every guy and girl wants to be a slut, OK?"
Brand, a self-confessed sex addict known for his huge hair and boundary-pushing act, apologised for the crack but later went on to make another bawdy joke.
Yet to really break America, despite a role in spring rom-com Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Brand was considered an odd choice for host, a role previously filled by A-listers including Jack Black and P Diddy.
Acknowledging the criticism, Brand joked about his lack of fame in the US: "My persona doesn't really work without fame. Without fame, this haircut could be mistaken for mental illness."
Today, his name is much better known. While the event was hyped as the platform for Spears’ return, Brand almost overshadowed the pop singer in the post-awards press coverage.
The LA Times wrote: “The 2008 VMAs were poised to mark the return of Britney Spears. Instead, they will go down in history as the night when that English guy from Forgetting Sarah Marshall almost made the Jonas Brothers cry.”
The New York Times were appreciative of Brand’s turn, saying the “manic, intelligent English comedian, injected the show with politics (pro-Barack Obama), raunch and philosophical musings.”
But others were less charitable. The Chicago Tribune wrote that “Nobody quite knew what to make of the opening monologue of wild-haired host Russell Brand”, while MTV’s online message boards were besieged by confused and outraged Americans.
One message read: "Why is it that Brits think the rest of the world doesn't get their humour? The myth is a tired excuse for lack of humour."
Another said: "Russell WHO? I didn't realise this show was an Osama (sic) campaign rally. This British nobody looks like he was pulled from the ranks of the homeless - with his unshaved look, rats' nest hair-do and foul mouth."
But that **** s*cker is going to have no problems getting a tourist visa. Or perhaps even a Green Card if he shows a portfolio of his achievements.
But the Iraqi guy who risked his butt for years helping American troops with translation in the worst places in Iraq is going to have to wait.
F*ck this.
I agree, retarded people shouldn't be insulted by being compared to Bush, they have enough problems as it is. I mean that seriously. Retarded people are born that way they cannot help being the way the are.
BTW, hes wrong to say Bush is stupid. While I don't think hes a rocket scientist, I think Bush's problem is that hes chosen to be intellectually lazy and indifferent which is why people think hes dumb. I would be more more forgiving on him if I thought Bush lacked real intelligence.

Seriously though, who is this guy anyway? Never heard of him and why do we care anyway?
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Russell Brand is a celebrity presenter who has recently made a splash with his zany style. He is a recovered drug addict ; intelligent and vulnerable, or so it has seemed. A short time ago he made public dodgy innuendo regarding himself and Rod Stewart's daughter. The next time he presented an awards show, Rod Stewart jumped up from his seat and challenged him on the subject; needless to say, Brand beat a hasty retreat. As for his comparison between British and American leaders; absolute rot. Remember what has been said " Britain is great; the British are great. Only their politicians stink". Add one stupid presenter. The political pretentions of these idiots never cease to make me sick.

He has been well accepted in Hollywood recently for small film parts, and looked all set for fame.

What the hell he has been up to, in the country which has welcomed him , completely defeats me.

He has lost all of my respect and can only apologise for the fact that he is English. What an absolute prat, what a giant overblown ego, with a head to match. I hope his career in USA submerges fast.
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It's a joke. And secondly, it's on MTV.

That's two strikes already. And people are making a big deal over it. Strike Three.

Okay, so the comments about Bush are over the top. But he's a comedian! His JOB is to crack jokes that people will find funny. And, I have to admit, I snickered when I read this. When you look at it for what it is, it's a decent joke. And if he's going for shock value, you're playing right into his hand.

I want to hear the routine. Were the VMA's live? Are they being replayed? Does anyone have a YouTube link?
I have to admit I would like to see the routine before I make a call on it.

A written report is good for telling you something happened but it rarely imparts context well.
Well - he would like to shock, but I hope it is not as reported, that would not be good or funny. He can be very charming and self-effacing. I hope he ain't sacrificing himself on some unfunny political crap. He has never stooped before. Insulting your hosts is not a good idea when your host is America.

Until now I have been a fan.
10-4 that Major.

Thanks for that Del Boy....the guy looked like he was in drag anyway so he shouldn't be doin much chattin.
Its not the first tome a Comedien has mocked Bush

John Stewart, Letterman, Leno, O'Brian, Colbert, Goldberg, Carlin, Bernie Mac, etc.

Every time they do, the right gets upset. But if anyone makes a joke about the Clintons, Obama, Pelos, etc thats fair game.

The fact is if your a public figure, you live a public life, your fair game. As for Russell Brand I just didnt find his jokes all that funny, but I have no issued that he mocked Bush. We Americans make fun of the British and the Royals all the time, and some of it is downright nasty.
I'm no great fan of GWB, however that does not excuse this attention seeker from being a bad mannered, boorish pr!ck.

Personally I hope he's made to pay for it in some way.

Poor taste at it's best.
I'm no great fan of GWB, however that does not excuse this attention seeker from being a bad mannered, boorish pr!ck.

Personally I hope he's made to pay for it in some way.

Poor taste at it's best.

Vote Democrat!!!

Oh wait that wasn't the message.

Has anyone actually seen the guys performance?
Maybe it is on YouTube or something as I am still not sure I would condemn than to the seventh circle of hell or a country and western concert without getting some idea of the context his comments were applied.
Its not the first tome a Comedien has mocked Bush

John Stewart, Letterman, Leno, O'Brian, Colbert, Goldberg, Carlin, Bernie Mac, etc.

Actually I never minded those because they were actually funny and those were indeed jokes.
There are jokes.
Then there are insults disguised as jokes.
And no it's not about which side you made fun of either.
It's not really funny.
It's not the worst, but it's certainly very poor stand up unworthy of the world stage.
Just because you are a pile of human excrement doesn't mean everyone else needs to sink to your level.
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Actually I never minded those because they were actually funny and those were indeed jokes.
There are jokes.
Then there are insults disguised as jokes.
And no it's not about which side you made fun of either.
It's not really funny.
It's not the worst, but it's certainly very poor stand up unworthy of the world stage.
Just because you are a pile of human excrement doesn't mean everyone else needs to sink to your level.

To be honest it wasnt all that bad, he has the wrong persona for the material and he over played the Jonas brothers who ever they are but on the whole I was expecting much worse, my impression is that it is just another thing blown out of all proportion.
Actually I never minded those because they were actually funny and those were indeed jokes.
There are jokes.
Then there are insults disguised as jokes.
And no it's not about which side you made fun of either.
It's not really funny.
It's not the worst, but it's certainly very poor stand up unworthy of the world stage.
Just because you are a pile of human excrement doesn't mean everyone else needs to sink to your level.

Its poor comedy I'll grant you that. But again, the right doesn't tolerate it even when it is funny. The don't like to be criticized...period. And yes I laughed at the Monica jokes in the 1990s.
I think it's wrong to not tolerate being made fun of. I think in many cases with Leno for example, I think it's perfectly acceptable. It's funny, and he makes fun of both sides anyway.
But this guy's stuff was just stupid.
We Americans make fun of the British and the Royals all the time, and some of it is downright nasty.

Yeah, but if they did that when presenting one of our award ceremonies , here, and as an unknown to gain publicity - he'd get the bum's rush.

Russell ain't (incidentally, I use that 'ain't' these days because it's an affectation I picked up from him) actually a joke-teller, he's just a funny kind of guy, usually. He should stay away from bashing another country's icons, it is not that it is direspectful to Geo W. who would not even notice it, but it IS disrespectful to his hosts, to America and to 'retards'. (I feel disrespectful typing the word even.)

Amusing as I have found him in the past, and i was delighted at his initial success in USA, which is the benchmark here, I consider him a disgrace on this one. In the USA I knew and loved , he'd never work again!:smile:
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Yeah, but if they did that when presenting one of our award ceremonies , here, and as an unknown to gain publicity - he'd get the bum's rush.

Russell ain't (incidentally, I use that 'ain't' these days because it's an affectation I picked up from him) actually a joke-teller, he's just a funny kind of guy, usually. He should stay away from bashing another country's icons, it is not that it is direspectful to Geo W. who would not even notice it, but it IS disrespectful to his hosts, to America and to 'retards'. (I feel disrespectful typing the word even.)

Amusing as I have found him in the past, and i was delighted at his initial success in USA, which is the benchmark here, I consider him a disgrace on this one. In the USA I knew and loved , he'd never work again!:smile:

I agree his choice of venue was wrong and his jokes unfunny. He is their to present an award, not to make political cracks. As Senorjekips stated it was in poor taste. I think Russel was probably a view of a European Charicture of Bush and not so much to help the Democrats.

I disagree with 13th though I think public figures can be mocked as long as its done tastifully. I have some political cartoons of Abe Lincoln that are not too flattering that were drawn by British cartoonists like this one: