Rock and a hard place


Active member
Well ladies and gents,
over the last few weeks/month i have learned that i will be a father in June. As a unmarried 21 yr old i feel that i need something that assures me of a solid future for my new family. at this time the mother and i are not planning on getting married but will have a relationship based on love. When initially making my decision on the Marine Corps i wanted to leave for RT asap.. now i know why it was magically taking so long! Well with a child in my life i am sure the Marine Corps will help me in raising the child both economically and maturity. I know my life will be chaotic and as the mother and i will not be living together i will not see much of the newborn until after MOS training.
The problem i am having right now is that if i ship out for RT now i will graduate, have my 10 days leave and the baby will be born while i am @ my MOS training. At this point there is no absolute way i will get to see my child being born. I have already decided to be a dad to this child not just the father so being every bit as much a part of Rahlin's (that is the name we decided [Rahlyn if its a girl cause we don't know yet ;) ] on and i LOVE it!) life as i can be is now a burning desire that fuels my soul.

Is there any type of waiver that i can get in advance that will allow me to drop whatever i am doing to be with the mother and see Rahlin's grand entrance in this world? Even if it is only for a day or for the labor part it would be better than NOTHING! Like i said this wasn't a planned addition into my life and having the opportunity to walk away and go on with my life i decided to make Rahlin my life and i will not alter this decision! :P ;)
To my knowledge there is no waiver. The authorization would be sloely at the descreation of your command.
03USMC said:
To my knowledge there is no waiver. The authorization would be sloely at the descreation of your command.

So would i need to ask my CO at my MOS school or would i just need to put in for leave for about a week? and that will put me into (-) leave and from what i hear that is almost impossible to get!
You would need to make your command aware of the situation when you checked in. Preferably the Company Gunny and First Sergeant as well as your Troop Handlers.
How probable is it that i could leave my MOS school? has it ever happened that anyone knows of? or is it few and far between?
Most commands will make allowance's for it. The most I've seen was a 96 hour out of bounds pass. Except in the case of emergency leave for a family death.

If you are granted leave then there is the possibility that it would be with the understanding that you are.

A. Dropped from the training cycle and recycled to the next class.

or B

You agree to make up. On your time meaning liberty hours all missed periods of instruction.
03USMC said:
A. Dropped from the training cycle and recycled to the next class.
If it just so happened that they left it up to me i think that this would be the most intelligent choice. Am i correct on assuming this or is it strictly circumsatial? To the best of your knowledge would there be any type of reduction in rank or is reduction in rank strictly for punishment? (i will be a PFC because of my college credits)
If PFC is in your contract your a PFC. Reduction in rank is for disciplinary actions.

The only way you would take a reduction is if you breached your contract. In which case you would also lose your school seat.
03 is right, what you need to do is inform your command right off the bat. Use the Chain Of Command and make sure it moves its way up. Anything is possible in this day and age. I could see them at least givin you a 96, the thing is be upfront about the situation.
Also don't forget to inform your unit chaplain of this. They have the power and the authority to do a great deal in matters such as these.
mrmillerusmc said:
dude you are screwed

i wouldn't go that far at all... i think of it as a path in my life i did not ever consider! I won't lie i wish i had of done it a different way but i guess it wasn't meant to be. i have a lot to learn and i am willing and eager to be a good dad and to teach my son/daughter well and be a positive role model and all that good stuff! it will be difficult for me to have a big role in the little one's life but i don't think that will be detrimentle to our relationship! i am scared out of my mind but i am also looking forward to it!
mrmillerusmc said:

no way that sux hard... if you could give me some sources or your own personal experience i would appreciate it!!