"Queering" nuclear weapons

All covered on Essential Officer training !

A day spent on a diversity course learning about gays, queers and everything in between ! 🫣🫣
Great then perhaps you can explain, aren't L,G and Q the same group, I thought all three were descriptors for homosexual and if so then maybe they could shorten that word salad considerably?
Great then perhaps you can explain, aren't L,G and Q the same group, I thought all three were descriptors for homosexual and if so then maybe they could shorten that word salad considerably?

I may have been forced to attend - doesn’t mean I was listening !

Yes of course they are all the same but you know the way of the world these days !

We can’t discriminate and we must have to have a label/term for everything !

Gay is a generic term for lesbian and gay sexuality. Some women define themselves as gay rather than lesbian. Some non-binary people may also identify with this term.

Queer is a term used by those wanting to reject specific labels of romantic orientation, sexual orientation and/or gender identity.
I may have been forced to attend - doesn’t mean I was listening !

Yes of course they are all the same but you know the way of the world these days !

We can’t discriminate and we must have to have a label/term for everything !

Gay is a generic term for lesbian and gay sexuality. Some women define themselves as gay rather than lesbian. Some non-binary people may also identify with this term.

Queer is a term used by those wanting to reject specific labels of romantic orientation, sexual orientation and/or gender identity.
So no practical at the end of the course then.

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