There was a note in the album stating that this was Gen. Pickering but I feel that this is incorrect. Again I appreciate your effort as I would like to correct any notation errors. Thanks, Bob
I would say it's more than pretty good, I would say it's a dead on match. He even looks the same age in both photos. Thanks again Greg, you are quite the investigative historian! Any idea where this photo was taken? I have no notes about that. BobI think the resemblance is pretty good.
I would say it's more than pretty good, I would say it's a dead on match. He even looks the same age in both photos. Thanks again Greg, you are quite the investigative historian! Any idea where this photo was taken? I have no notes about that. Bob
I would say it's more than pretty good, I would say it's a dead on match. He even looks the same age in both photos. Thanks again Greg, you are quite the investigative historian! Any idea where this photo was taken? I have no notes about that. Bob