Penn & Teller...

Your right. They were spot on. That was very educational. Thanks for that 5.56. Very informative. I must agree with the guy with the glasses..The guns dont have the fingers to pull the trigger, or the brain to want to commit the murder. So dont punish me or restrict the gun, punish the person who commited the act/s and the person who thought about doing it.
I have to say I agree with those guys on 90% of their points.
Note that they think the Vietnam war, the death penalty, the war on drugs, the PATRIOT Act, the Bible, profanity, circumcision, family values, idolizing people (especially leaders) are all b******t too :D
Mohmar Deathstrike said:
I have to say I agree with those guys on 90% of their points.
Note that they think the Vietnam war, the death penalty, the war on drugs, the PATRIOT Act, the Bible, profanity, circumcision, family values, idolizing people (especially leaders) are all b******t too :D

Care to post something about all this info on Penn & Teller came from? I'd like to read it. :roll:
Mohmar Deathstrike said:
Dude just watch the show or read the episode titles here:******t!/show/17579/episode_listings.html?season=2 . If you think they're conservatives, you're dead wrong:-P

In the episode "The War on Drugs" Penn says at some point "and Vietnam was way b******t".

Not enough info. I clicked on "episodes" and all I got was the invitation to edit. I didn't say they were conservatives, I just said you haven't given enough information or quotes to prove all of your assertions. Try again.
Missileer said:
Not enough info. I clicked on "episodes" and all I got was the invitation to edit. I didn't say they were conservatives, I just said you haven't given enough information or quotes to prove all of your assertions. Try again.
Nope. I don't care if you don't believe me in this issue. Although I would like to encourage people to watch the show! It's funny, to some extent, informative, but to a tiny extent misinformative (as all tv shows are).
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