Norway and Iceland to sign defence agreement


Forum Barbecuer
Source: Norwaypost

Norway will help Iceland in maintaining its sovereignty, and the two nations will on Thursday sign an agreement which will cover surveillance and military defence of Icelandic air space and economic zone, Aftenposten reports.

This will mean that Norwegian jet fighters and surveillance aircraft will be patrolling Icelandic air space. Norway will also be assisting in providing air/sea search and rescue helicopters.

Iceland asked for this agreement after the US has ended its military presence on Iceland by withdrawing from the Keflavik air base. Iceland does not have defence forces of its own. It is underlined that the agreement with Norway only covers peace time. In case of a military conflict it is still NATO and the US that will carry the main responsibility for Iceland's defence.

Iceland is a charter member of NATO.
Ummm, can someone enlighten my dumb ass as to why you would need a defence agreement that is only for peace time?? Am I reading this right- Norway will provide Iceland the equivalent of the USCG?
Norway will help Iceland in maintaining its sovereignty, and the two nations will on Thursday sign an agreement which will cover surveillance and military defence of Icelandic air space and economic zone, Aftenposten reports.

This will mean that Norwegian jet fighters and surveillance aircraft will be patrolling Icelandic air space. Norway will also be assisting in providing air/sea search and rescue helicopters.

Iceland asked for this agreement after the US has ended its military presence on Iceland by withdrawing from the Keflavik air base. Iceland does not have defence forces of its own. It is underlined that the agreement with Norway only covers peace time. In case of a military conflict it is still NATO and the US that will carry the main responsibility for Iceland's defence.

Iceland is a charter member of NATO.

I had no idea Iceland was in danger. So, do you believe that the secret is finally out that Greenland is full of Ice, and Iceland strangely enough is Greener than Greenland?
Ummm, can someone enlighten my dumb ass as to why you would need a defence agreement that is only for peace time?? Am I reading this right- Norway will provide Iceland the equivalent of the USCG?

Someone has to fill the gap when GI Joe pulls out...Whatever, let the Russians control the island, GIUK and SOUS system?
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Ummm, can someone enlighten my dumb ass as to why you would need a defence agreement that is only for peace time?? Am I reading this right- Norway will provide Iceland the equivalent of the USCG?

I might be overly cynical here, but I suspect this has ALOT to do with the fishing rights "battle" that has gone on between the Norwegians and the Russians.

Norway have found a way to put troops ie: Air presence and SAR capabilities closer to that area.
To you it might seem petty and small to fight over fishing rights, but to Norway it´s a viable part of their economy.
And however you decide to cut it, Norway won´t give it up to the Russians without pissing in their turf.

Sorry sunb! if I have offended Norwegians in any way with this my most personal of opinion.

//KJ, cynical bastard.
Sorry sunb! if I have offended Norwegians in any way with this my most personal of opinion.

//KJ, cynical bastard.

Me, offended? I am already on my way to Iceland for Cod fishing... :D

Iceland is of vital interest not only for Norway but Sweden, Denmark and the UK, fishing primarily but as well science, offshore and shipping. Being present in the area is important for many nations and well, yeah.... You're right, KJ, you Cynical bastard.... 8)
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So will Iceland/Denmark/Norway ever go to war with Canada over that tiny Island?


What´s their stake in this?
Isn´t Canada ruled by the UK queen or something?:-P

I believe the discussion was about Russia?
Anyhow, the UK, Danes, Norwegians and Swedes together would be a rather tough nut to crack, I doubt the Russians have the capabilities and/or will to take it that far.

If Canada want´s to try, well...
Anyhow, the UK, Danes, Norwegians and Swedes together would be a rather tough nut to crack

Oh yeah, I remember back in 1931 when Norway claimed the eastern parts of Greenland and sent an expeditionary force to the island to "protect" our interest... In general terms we invaded Denmark; several shorts fired at polar bears, seals, mad dogs and cardboard targets in pure boredom. The fight was long and bitter, no womans, no beer, no nothing - so in 1933 the battle was settled in the International Court in Haag where the judges voted against the Norwegian claim ending the battle.

I guess a declaration of War against Canada would end the same as in 1933, a few beers, some dirty jokes and we're all good buddies in the end of the day... :mrgreen:
Its Already stated, but both countries are obviously trying to keep an eye on the Russians. Both Countries have had long, dark, histories with Moscow and Iceland is particular well situated in the North Atlantic to keep an eye on Russia ships enter/exiting the North Sea.