My theory on "night life"

Duty Honor Country

Active member
I was reading the night club thread, and I remembered a theory that I have about night life.

I believe, for the most part, that most things that occur after 9pm are going to be bad for you in one form or another. Going to a late night movie may not be directly bad for you. BUT you have an elevated risk of traffic accidents. Don't believe me. Most deadly teen accidents happen quite late at night. Then we have "da clubs." 2 weeks ago, 4 soldiers died over the weekend. 3 were from shootings at the club and one from a late night traffic accident. The bars are fun too. But I know too many people who admit to driving home drunk. I had a friend lose his 6 year old kid to a DUI accident.

On the flip side, things that occur at the butt crack of dawn are generally safer for you. There are not too many shootings and deadly traffic accidents at 8am.

BTW, being on the forum at 1am is one of the "exceptions" I talked about.

Now that I have made my case, it is time for all you night animals to strike back :m16shoot:
um, well i'd have to agree that :cen: can hit the fan at night, but isn't that what makes it interesting? my idea of night fun isn't clubbing, but movies, raids, hikes/camping, girls, just cruising, girls, walking the beach, girls those things can all be conducted safely. well let me clear that up. anytime a girl is involved there is the likelyhood of a fight, it could be between you and some guy, or you and her, or her and some chick, they're just trouble ;) but still relatively safe compared to drunks on the road.

but then again, there is a racing problem that usually occurs at night. they taught me at racing school that standard headlights are outdriven at 60mph. faster than that you don't have enough time to react to what you encounter. most people don't realize that and you can run into serious problems and accidents. mix that with drunk teenagers that think they're michael schumacher and you have tons of issues on the road at night. on the other hand i'd like to point out that two of the most dangerous crashes that occured in my state happened between 4-5AM.
Yeah I'm with ya Egoz.
Accidents do mostly occur during the very early mornings (3AM-4:30AM). This is because that's when a driver least expects pedestrians. Also it's ridiculously dark during those hours... much much more so than midnight (due to stores just shutting off their lights to save energy and money). Also it's a time when a driver is most likely to be very tired. Chances are he didn't start the journey at 10PM to get to a place that would require him to be on the road that late/early. It's probably been a long journey.

Night life stuff has never really been my thing. Been more of a woods person. I have much more fun rowing a boat out in the lake than being in clubs. Then again I'm very much a loner :P
Camping and time with women are definately fun and safe. But I do not see too many 18-25 yearolds packing the tents and sleeping bags these days.

egoz said:
on the other hand i'd like to point out that two of the most dangerous crashes that occured in my state happened between 4-5AM.

How many of those people were out all night and on their way home? I remember quite a few times where I was on the road at those times after partying all night long. I am glad those days are over. :D
Doody said:
Camping and time with women are definately fun and safe. But I do not see too many 18-25 yearolds packing the tents and sleeping bags these days.

egoz said:
on the other hand i'd like to point out that two of the most dangerous crashes that occured in my state happened between 4-5AM.

How many of those people were out all night and on their way home? I remember quite a few times where I was on the road at those times after partying all night long. I am glad those days are over. :D
both of the accidents involved the drivers heading home. but both accidents included street racing and poor driving. i believe there were 6 deaths total between the two accidents. one of them involved hitting a work crew on the side of the road which led to a fire and trapping people in the vehicle.

we still go camping. it doesn't involve hiking your crap in, but we do the tent thing with beer and camp food. it's not exactly hardcore, the way i like it, but it's a good socializing thing outside of the box. it's a lot easier for the girls to handle when they can sleep in the truck if they get scared or uncomfortable.