Everything on Iraq as it is today. I said everything.

Italian Guy

Milforum Hitman
It's not strictly "military-related", but this whole Iraqi thing comes from a war, so I posted it here.To the mods, feel free to move it where you deem more appropriate and sorry if I did wrong.

This is a great source (Bulldog will love this):

Iraq as it is today. Facts and figures. Infidel, there's a section dedicated to Iraqi prison population too.
Inquisitive bastard that I am... oh, yeah, oh, that's it, man, this is almost better than sex, big up on ya IG for this one!!!

Where does he get all these wonderful toys?!
True but I would wager this is a hell of a lot better than reports in the media.

Some of these stats show some interesting patterns... hmmmmm.
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Nice post IG, thanks for the link. My college just started up this week and I'm working 33 hours so I won't have the time to really sink into it until next week but I'll be sure to post up when I free up the time!
bulldogg said:
True but I would wager this is a hell of a lot better than reports in the media.

Some of these stats show some interesting patterns... hmmmmm.

This is true. There are a lot of good things going on over here, that the media will never pick up. If it bleeds, it leads. If it builds it's killed.

Society today is so obsessed with killing and death. Come over here.. I can cure that for you.
This is opposite at all compared with the report of media.
And, media is insincere.
Media will be denied and insist "IRAQ is new vietnam"
But,This is true.
why not send the link to some news station and make them do a fast report about the statistics.. that would be awesome :P