Egypt starts building steel wall on Gaza Strip border


Active member
According to sources it is made from Kroll metal ;) "It cannot be cut or melted - in short it is impenetrable".

More seriously, any idea what this is made of and how much is will cost? sounds like a monumental project. Presumably there is nothing which shaped explosives will not deal with but using them may just may cave in the tunnel and reveal the source.

Why not just use sonics to locate the tunnels then demolish them? Presumably they have to come out somewhere as well, it can't be that difficult to find them along a 10k stretch?

Why would the Egyptians actually want to do this anyway? surely they are more sympathetic to the Palestinians than Israel. Perhaps there has been some arm twisting or incentives from the US? It all seems bizarre to me.

Egypt has begun constructing a huge metal wall along its border with the Gaza Strip as it attempts to cut smuggling tunnels, the BBC has learned. When it is finished the wall will be 10-11km (6-7 miles) long and will extend 18 metres below the surface. The Egyptians are being helped by American army engineers, who the BBC understands have designed the wall. ...
the barrier, made of super-strength steel, has been hidden deep underground. The BBC has been told that it was manufactured in the US, that it fits together in similar fashion to a jigsaw, and that it has been tested to ensure it is bomb proof. It cannot be cut or melted - in short it is impenetrable.
The Egyptians, or more accurately the Egyptian government, is dealing with Islamic radicalisem from the inside...And so they dont like Hammas one bit. There is a cold war right now beteen Egypt and Iran, with Hezbalah and Hammas being on Irans side...
The tunnels are not impossible to locate and Israel regularly bombs them from the air, but there are so many and for each one you demolish the Palestinians build 5...
Uhh no.
They'll actually walk up to it daring you to pull the trigger.
You underestimate their resolve.

lol, you make a good point.. I forgot what they do to the Israeli tanks, walk right in front of them and throw rocks knowing if they fight back the Israelis would get 'excessive force' shouted at them..><