Automatic Shotgun

Mr KillKill

Active member
Long ago I saw a photo of a group of South American SF guys posing for a photo shoot. The middle soldier was carrying a shotgun that had the same shape and look as a colt commando but was obviously bigger as it had a larger mag and barrel.
Does anyone know of or where I can get some info on a weapon like this.
Cheers for the link, have taken a look and the weapon that resembles what I saw the closest was either a Franchi SPAS 15 or a USAS-12 but if I had to chose, I'd say a Franchi SPAS 15.
I'm quite amazed that I'm veiwed as the weapon expert here.

Well, you seem to give the most reasonable opinions on weapons here, and seem to have a broad ranged knowledge (compared to myself for example, who would know very little if I'm not qualified on it).