any tips for preparing for US Marine Corps Infantry?


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I have decided that join the US Marine Corps after looking at all the services. and, out of the many jobs, despite the accusations of insanity from my parents and friends, am leaning towards the infantry. so what should I do to prepare? I am currently reading up on the history of the Corps, and am doing a 30 minute cardio workout from tv, 80 push ups, 160 sit ups, and a mile and a half running a day. I know I will most assuredly have to do WAAAY more then that to be a good part of the few and the proud. so what should be my gol to get as close as possible to being ready phyically? and what kind of stuff will I have to know to have any chance of making it as an officer? I am 16 and have pleanty of time to prepare. oh, and a buddy said that most marines are gay, and I could get hit on or yelled at by my officers for not being gay. that is not true is it? thanks!
I am sorry sir. I was jut asking a qoustion. I meant no disrespect, and I will no longer make such comments. I am not looking for love and attention though, I get enough of that from my mommy, lol. but seriously, I am very sorry. any more tips besides shut the hell up when talking to marines?
I am fairly good with everything in school except math....oh...math. I don't hate homosexuals, I was just worried. YOU ARE SCUM PRIVATE!!! as my drill sergeant will probably say to me.
First your not even a Privet You have No Rank until you prove yourself worthy of one and pass all the courses,,,
they do that to everybody It's call toughing you UP! No big deal.

Math is easy your making it hard By negative thinking.
sorry, my mistake. thanks for your advice.
Your joking! What kind of rink dink up lala is this, Your trying to take a Dump on The Corps

What does the History of the USCorps have to do with rinky dink push ups or seat-ups,, A mile and /. Waite when your carrying a 120lbs Main
Pack for 10 K a day up and down Hills.

When you go to the Island Look at the Belt they wear you have many colors See Marines that have the Black or Brown Riggers belt,
ask them if they ever participated in the "Bull Ring" if they tell you yes, Tell them what your friend said Lmaooooooooooo.

Your 16 and still grown hair on your testies. First advice keep your smart comments to yourself or they'll gladly show you all the
Love and attention your looking for. Gunny's love wise guys.:drill:

First never call me sir, second not to me! You got Marines on this site.

The US Army concerning Gay is "Don't Kiss and Tell Program." Plus you'll be taking showers with many.
Lmaoo Don't be Homophobic. Nor does it make them less of a Man.

second don't believe everything you hear You can become a Doctor, Brain Surgeon, Lawyer ++++++++++
if you want to become an Officer In the USMC.

Stay in school Get a good education a must have if you want to be an Officer! The US Army has programs for School. When you get to the Recruitment age Join.

You changed my Rank already Optio, You got to be Joking Me, "An Officer" I take great offence, modern lieutenant. LOL

First your not even a Privet You have No Rank until you prove yourself worthy of one and pass all the courses,,,
they do that to everybody It's call toughing you UP! No big deal.

Math is easy your making it hard By negative thinking.

As for you.

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thanks for setting me straight on the purpose of this forum, I though I was being dum there for a minute. anyway, if anyone in the marine corps or knows someone who is would tell me how I could prepare to be infantry, I would appreciate it. I heard it will kick your but, especailly if you pick one the the "harder" mos.
You might want to start capitalizing Marine. It will save you some heartache down the road. Jarheads can get a little touchy about that 'M'. :-D