Military Quotes, Unit Mottos and Jokes
Historical and Modern Military Quotes
Military quotes are often powerful and motivational by nature. Therefore they can be great for business presentations, leadership speeches, motivational texts and speeches and similar uses. In addition you can also learn quite a lot of history by the knowledge gathered from some of the brightest and bravest persons who have ever lived, by reading quotes collections like this. This site has been around for the last 20 years, and we have always been dedicated to finding and collecting the most famous military related quotations of all times. As well as the more unknown but not less interesting ones.
Welcome to browse our huge collection containing well over 2300 motivational, infamous and famous military related quotes. (I haven’t counted all of them yet..). They are sorted by surnames, or in several different categories like – leadership, motivational and war quotes. In addition we have collected many military quotes from famous historical persons and leaders like – George Patton, Sun Tzu, Napoleon, Winston Churchill, Eisenhower and many more.
To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.
– Sun Tzu, the Art of War
– Sun Tzu, the Art of War
“The Nation that makes a great distinction between its scholars and its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools.”
– Thucydides
“Few men are born brave. Many become so through training and force of discipline”
– Flavius Vegetius Renatus
Unit Mottos and Slogans
In this section we have a large collection of nearly 900 unit mottos. We have collected both modern and historical mottos and slogans from many units in countries all over the world. The unit mottos are sorted by country, branches and funny mottos and slogans.
Jokes, Funny Quotes and Stories
This part of the site is dedicated to service related jokes and funny true short stories. In addition you can find content such as –
Cartoons, Murphys Laws of Combat jokes, funny military quotes, jokes, from the Iraqi Information minister (Comical Ali / Baghdad Bob) and much more.
Cartoons, Murphys Laws of Combat jokes, funny military quotes, jokes, from the Iraqi Information minister (Comical Ali / Baghdad Bob) and much more.
International Forums and Chat
Our international forums have over 22,800 members from +80 countries who have so far posted over 700,000 posts and discussions. Discuss almost everything you want, like military history, basic training, weapons, hardware, reenactment, news and similar. We can also try to help you to find quotes or mottos, or you can post your own quotations, mottos, jokes or stories in the forums. If you are planning to join the military then feel free to post your questions or concerns in the forum as well.

Hope you enjoy your stay here at our site
Please contact us by e-mail or in our forums if you can’t find the quote or motto you are looking for. We always appreciates if you send us new jokes, quotes or mottos. Or if you should have any other questions or suggestions.
Thanks a lot to everyone who have contributed to the site and sent us military quotes, mottos or jokes! :)
Thanks a lot to everyone who have contributed to the site and sent us military quotes, mottos or jokes! :)
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