Military Mottos from
Spanish Military Mottos

¡Cañones, corazas, corazón!
(Guns, armor, heart!)
1st Mechanized Division
¡Aprisa, duro, lejos!
(Fast, hard, far!)
12th Armored Brigade:
Del pasado honor, del presente orgullo
(Honor from the past, pride from the present)
7th Airborne Brigade
Sed fuertes en la guerra
(May you be strong at war)
10th Mechanized Brigade
Lealtad y valor
(Loyalty and courage)
Land Army Engineer Corps
In terram, sub terram, in acquam
(Over the ground, beneath the ground, over the water)
12th Armored Engineer Company
Spanish Air Force Mottos
Quien ose paga
(Who dares pays)
15th Figther Wing
Lo que bien se aprende...
(What is learned well...)
78th Training Wing
Como arañas la cuidamos
(Like spiders, we took care of it)
3rd Microwave Squad
Sólo merece vivir quién por un noble
ideal está dispuesto a morir
(Only deserve to live those willing to die for a noble task)
Airborne Sappers Squad (Air force special forces)