Originally Posted by
Rob Henderson
I'd would have given a yellow. I agree with that. But the referee needs to think... This card is forcing him out of the final of the FIFA Confederation Cup... Did that challenge deserve that punishment?
Sounds like kind of a weird statement coming from someone that is a licensed referee. I would think your training would empahsize fair and impartial.
It is not the referees job to concern himself with what round of a tournament to give what kind of foul. To remain unbiased and make calls consistently is his duty. He must call him as he sees them.
Maybe he should carefully note that a player already has one yellow least he give another and eliminate a player for the next round or game?
Actually (and reluctantly) I have to give something here to Rob:
Referees err (for the reasons I explained earlier), and they get aware of it e.g. in half time break or even during the game by their assitants.
The "normal" way is to compensate for errors by a) focusing a little more the attention on the team that got favorized by the error, or b) giving a little more leeway to the team that got penalized by the error when in doubt (leaving impartiality to a certain extent, but with the goal of achieveing simmilar conditions for both teams, i.e. *true* impartiality; I know this is a thin line you must be walking, and you must be sure to be free of emperor complex or partiality to one style/team/player/coach... Good refs can wear all these different hats to perfection in one match).
And, Chupike, indeed sometimes you do not show the 2nd yellow though it would be correct, just because maybe you gave the first to "control the match", i.e. to establish your reign on the field and show players they could not get away with stuff (and hence looked for the first halfway justificable foul to present it and hence stop the spiral of fouls becoming harder). The 2nd one is then the first one from ref POV, so to say.
On another angle, and this is something Rob does *not* take into account, the referees prepare for the matches by looking at other matches of the same teams/players and drawing conlusions up to LL´s from them that they then apply:
Let´s say a player is known for notoriously diving trying to fool the ref, you will rather give him a yellow instad of a penalty in is favor next time you are in doubt in the area, and you might this time just be wrong (works a bit the way one officer once told me when I got sanctioned for something I had not done and complained to him: "Son, maybe you did not do anything this time and the sanction is injust. But, I am dead sure, you before sometimes got away with other stuff that never got sanctioned, so consider it late justice for these cases, I did not hear you complain then..."

Or, a player is known for habitually tackling harshly, then, even if you do not see it *exactly* he probably is prone to lose the benefit of the doubt, i.e. might get sanctioned though the foul was not as harsh as it seemed.
As someone already said, soccer ref is one of the difficult jobs, you cannot go w/o errors (but I am strictly against camera angles and replays in the stadium to solve questions, it would change the game to a kind of hockey with more breaks than play), and audience, coaches, players and you yourself as ref have to live with it as it is part of the fun and the excitement this sport provokes.
It is not a surprise that there are only very few *really good* refs, names form the past: Colina (ITA) (one of, if not *the* best ever), Frisk (SUE) (who ended his career far too soon for soccer because of assination threats), Dr. Markus Merk (GER), Galan Nieto (ESP), etc. ...
(as an aside interesting anecdote, Britain, the place where soccer stems from, apparently is unable to produce neither good goalies nor good refs in the last decades: The guys that were valued as such turned out to be no match at all for the task in intl level matches, e.g. Howard Webb or Graham Poll).
What soccer really needs are fully professional 24/7 refs teams that get paid amounts that come close to the players wages (and where the bad teams get dropped instantly), who are intelligent, psychologically stable and physically as fit as the players, wonder if the clubs/nations ever can agree on that?