Racial ?


Was the shooting of Black Mike Brown by White Police Officer Wilson racially motivated , I'm trying to understand why would Wilson go out of his way to shoot Brown and not Browns companion who was present when the shooting went down , was there bad blood between Brown and Wilson , could be . :shock:
With all due respect.
This is an international forum. It will be very limited who can participate in your threads if you only posts topics which are not known in our part of the world.

You have a unique opportunity here to learn a little more about the history of other countries and our daily lives.

There are also things about your life, including your service in Nam that could be interesting.
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Every time I mention Vietnam I get attacked by the modern heroic marvels .

It's not the content...it's the presentation. Your presentation reeks of arrogance and snobbery. What kind of reaction do you think that is going to get you? If you choose to be a prick, don't be surprised when people are a prick back. Stop playing the innocent victim here...we have a large enough problem with the victim complex western society seems to have developed over the past 40 years...
Its true that I'm vastly more intelligent than the average poster , but its difficult to post on a level that the lesser can comprehend .
Its true that I'm vastly more intelligent than the average poster , but its difficult to post on a level that the lesser can comprehend .

Your bravado is noble and well noted, but is all bravado, I'm afraid. Do you know why I say that? Because if you were so much more intelligent than the average poster - such as you say - you would use proper grammar in your posts. Instead of every post being one massive run on sentence.

Granted, I could give you leeway if you weren't a Native English speaker. But even if that WERE the case - which I obviously think is otherwise - one would think that you'd strive to take the extra effort, not the lazy way around. Then you wonder in sheer amazement as to why no one can understand a word that comes out of you. So please, do yourself a favor so that you might attempt to start to look credible, and act like you have a higher level of intelligence.

As with what brinktk mentioned, when you approach someone negatively, you're going to get a negative response. If you are rude to people, expect them to return the favor. If you treat people as inferiors, don't be surprised when they show you up at every turn. If you treat people like dirt, don't act hurt and offended with they sling some of that dirt right back at you. Reap what you sow, reap what you sow. If you want a harvest in the fall, you have to plant in the spring. If you plant apples in the spring time, don't be surprised when you don't get oranges.
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Its true that I'm vastly more intelligent than the average poster , but its difficult to post on a level that the lesser can comprehend .

I'm starting to think you are one of two things.

1) you are a troll that has mastered the art of playing ignorant to the point of nonbelief.

2) you are a narcisist of the highest magnitude.

Just so you know, you are clearly ( whether you know it or not) one of the least intelligent people on this forum. Your ego is so large and you have such an inflated self worth you don't even realize how stupid you are. This is usually the case for the grossly incompetent so don't be too alarmed. You should know that you're laughed at constantly, at least by me, and you are likely laughed at even more behind your back by those you actually see every day if your conduct mirrors what you have displayed around here.

You will never be taken seriously...ever. You will always be a child...because you act accordingly.

Oh and....GFY!
Sir if you've ever heard of satire , almost from the moment I came on this forum I was attacked by one and all , but with this lively group its easy .
Sir if you've ever heard of satire , almost from the moment I came on this forum I was attacked by one and all , but with this lively group its easy .

Your arrogance is showing itself. You have no clue how disrespectful you are and have been. Again, stop playing the victim card about how you are being "attacked" while you continuously take shits in everyone elses lawn. You aren't really here for talk of military matters, you are here to rub everyone elses nose in how great you are and how big of a badass you are because you happened to be a vietnam vet.

Frankly, I'm not impressed. Anyone who talks such a big game is obviously hiding something...or compensating for something...LIKE BEING A POG/REMF!
Sir If I were speaking to a combat vet he would know where I've been and I would know where he has been if that's arrogance then so be it.
Sir If I were speaking to a combat vet he would know where I've been and I would know where he has been if that's arrogance then so be it.

Excuses...simply excuses not to listen. Being a combat vet doesn't give you license to disregard everyone else. By your own admission you volunteered just like the rest of us. It doesn't mean your shit smells pretty. It also means I don't have to take your crap.

I happen to be a combat vet that CHOOSES to define the experience as opposed to having the experience define me. I CHOOSE to NOT wear that experience on my sleeve because I know it doesn't matter. Not to you, not to my family......but only to those I was with. Based off of what I have read from you, you're not particularly interested in anything I'd have to say about combat anyways...which is probably true in regards to anyone else on here too. You seem to want to talk about YOUR experiences alone and pass off anyone elses as playground talk. I can tell you right now there are plenty on this forum who have been more, seen more, and done more than either of us. I don't, and I'm sure they don't either, feel the need to saturate everyone we come across with "tales of glory".... because real combat vets know there is no such thing. Real combat vets know there is only the dead and the dying...on both sides, and the survivors try to do what they can to have it all make sense when it is said and done.

Bottom line, I'm gonna go out on a limb and speak for the forum; if you want diologue, then act like a fvcking human being...you know....,with consideration, respect, and open mindedness....you will be surprised what this forum has to offer. Or you can continue to act like a prick, and that is exactly what you will get back...nobody is going to kow tow to you on this site, take it or leave it.
Sir if you've ever heard of satire , almost from the moment I came on this forum I was attacked by one and all , but with this lively group its easy .

You've been saying this for a while now and it's becoming redundant. I'm beginning to wonder if you're paranoid.

Since you've joined the forum you've disrespected just about everyone here, from women to British and even our president, calling him "your president" If you live in the USA, he's your president also, whether you like it or not.

It seems as if you're not proud of anything except being a veteran but you're not taking this opportunity to teach anyone anything, except that you're very bitter about everything to the point of disrespecting your own countrymen's veterans. When I thought that was low, I watched you go even further and disrespect others by talking about battles/wars here where members have lost family on a derogatory way.
Examples in threads...
Here you begin saying that you're being attacked if you mention anything at all. Brinktk and Monty explain why you may feel this way and Brinktk offers a way the problem may be amended.
saying the average American soldier is superior to all others with in adapting to situations while at the same time, putting down other country's military and battles/wars fought where it hits very close to home with members here.
Talking about your "dark brown and black" friends. Actually, this was so silly that I laughed out loud.
Claiming that "people get married pretty much to legitimize their offspring but black and celebrity relationships have pretty much ended that tradition"
Again, disrespecting other members by talking about battle/war situations in a derogatory way where it hits too close to home with forum members and repeatedly telling members to kiss your ass.
Yet again telling members to kiss your ass and then questioning everyone's gender on the forum.
And who could forget this lovely one?
"Children know the only reason they're here is ....." I won't finish this ..

I respect you and thank you for your service, as do other members here, but what you've shared in your opinion of the human race is astounding. This is an international military forum with members from many different countries. You shouldn't be surprised when you cross lines, it won't be taken lightly.
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Sir If I were speaking to a combat vet he would know where I've been and I would know where he has been if that's arrogance then so be it.

Honestly? I'm still questioning this myself personally. You talk about your era being the good ol' days. The simple fact of the matter is that combat doesn't change. Weapons get better, the enemy changes, tactics change, t the Calvary gets updated. But the basics don't change. Churchill said it best: War is hell, and that doesn't change.

You talk down to every other member on this forum, and after by far the most disrespectful little creetin I've ever seen in my life. And trust me, I've seen quite a few of them. See the way you talk, the way you act, talks me and every one else here who are actual vets that you are simply a poser, and a bad one at that.

Your claim is that if you were talking to a combat vet, that we'd know exactly what you're talking about. No, sorry, doesn't work like that. I see what brinktk sees, chances are him and I have similar experiences. See the problem with little E4s like you is that they think they're some tough shit. But then they whine and cry when it gets a little hot and heavy. Case in point: You claim you've been attacked at every corner. We got tired of the house shit that comes out of your mouth, so we started firing back.

It's funny, too. If we really were attacking you like you claim, you would have reported us. Oh wait, no you wouldn't have! You would have whined about it! That seems to be your theme. You know this is an adult forum, correct? Twelve year olds should not be left here. And to be in your fifties at the very least, you certainly act an awful like a twelve year old.