This day in military history..


The fire is everything
Staff member
Just starting a "this day in military history" thread.
Everyone's invited to continue this thread.
Here's a couple of sources you can use: :)

October 23

October 23, 1983

A suicide bomber drives a truck packed with explosives into the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut, killing 241 U.S. military personnel. That same morning, 58 French soldiers were killed in their barracks two miles away in a separate suicide terrorist attack. The U.S. Marines were part of a multinational force sent to Lebanon in August 1982 to oversee the Palestinian withdrawal from Lebanon. From its inception, the mission was plagued with problems--and a mounting body count.

42. B.C: Brutus commits suicide:

1864, Civil War:
Battle of Westport, Missouri
Confederate GEN Sterling Price was defeated at the Battle of Westport, MO, ending Civil War fighting west of the Mississippi River.

1941 Soviets switch commanders in drive to halt Germans

1942: The British, led by Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, launched a successful infantry attack against the Germans at El-Alamein, Egypt, during World War II.

1944: During World War II, U.S. forces under the leadership of Admiral William F. Halsey, Jr., commenced a decisive air and sea battle against the Japanese on the central Philippine island of Leyte.

1965, Vietnam War:
1st Cavalry Division launches Operation Silver Bayonet
oh yes.

Lets us all give a salute right now infront of the screen to honor those people. Beginning with Marcus Brutus and ending with the other dead me..

*salutes (( FOR REAL))
Very good initiative RedLeg - I throw in a very important piece of European history to fullfill the day ;)

October 23

1956 Hungarian protest turns violent

Thousands of Hungarians erupt in protest against the Soviet presence in their nation and are met with armed resistance.

Organized demonstrations by Hungarian citizens had been ongoing since June 1956, when signs of political reform in Poland raised the possibility for such changes taking place in their own nation. On October 23, however, the protests erupted into violence as students, workers, and even some soldiers demanded more democracy and freedom from what they viewed as an oppressive Soviet presence in Hungary. Hungarian leader Erno Gero, an avowed Stalinist, only succeeded in inflaming the crowds with praise for the Soviet Union's policies. Furious fighting broke out in Budapest between the protesters and Hungarian security forces and Soviet soldiers. In the next few days, hundreds of protesters in Budapest and other Hungarian cities were killed in these battles. Gero appealed for additional Soviet assistance and this was forthcoming in the form of an armored division that rolled into Budapest. Street fighting escalated in response to the Russian show of force. In an attempt to quell the disturbances, Communist Party officials in Hungary appointed Imre Nagy (who had earlier fallen out of favor with Party members) as the new premier. Nagy asked the Soviets to withdraw their troops from the capital so that he could restore order. Russian forces complied and withdrew from Budapest by November 1, but tensions remained high.
October 24

Big day today, at least for some.. :)

1945 The United Nations is born

On this day in 1945, the United Nations Charter, which was adopted and signed on June 26, 1945, is now effective and ready to be enforced.

The United Nations was born of perceived necessity, as a means of better arbitrating international conflict and negotiating peace than was provided for by the old League of Nations. The growing Second World War became the real impetus for the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union to begin formulating the original U.N. Declaration, signed by 26 nations in January 1942, as a formal act of opposition to Germany, Italy, and Japan, the Axis Powers.

1648 Thirty Years War ends

The Treaty of Westphalia is signed, ending the Thirty Years War and radically shifting the balance of power in Europe.

The Thirty Years War, a series of wars fought by European nations for various reasons, ignited in 1618 over an attempt by the king of Bohemia (the future Holy Roman emperor Ferdinand II) to impose Catholicism throughout his domains. Protestant nobles rebelled, and by the 1630s most of continental Europe was at war.

1862 Rosecrans replaces Buell

Union General Don Carlos Buell is replaced because of his ineffective pursuit of the Confederates after the Battle of Perryville, Kentucky, on October 8. He was replaced by William Rosecrans, who had distinguished himself in western Virginia in 1861 and provided effective leadership at the battle of Corinth, Mississippi, just prior to Perryville.

More than 600,000 Italians surrendered or retreated at the Battle of Caporetto during World War I.

Benito Mussolini summoned a “March on Rome” and subsequently became dictator of Italy.

Vidkun Abraham Lauritz Jonssøn Quisling (Norwegian traitor :evil: ) was tried for high treason and executed by firing squad (just a few meters away from my office by the way)

Soviet troops invade Hungary

Yom Kippur War ends, Israel 65 miles from Cairo, 26 from Damascus
October 25 (It's snowing here by the way.. :) )

The armies of the Second Crusade (1147-49) were destroyed by the Saracens at Dorylaeum (in modern Turkey). The Crusaders went on with fruitless campaigns against Damascus, Syria.

1415 The battle of Agincourt
During the Hundred Years' War between England and France, Henry V, the young king of England, leads his forces to victory at the Battle of Agincourt in northern France.
Two months before, Henry had crossed the English Channel with 11,000 men and laid siege to Harfleur in Normandy. After five weeks the town surrendered, but Henry lost half his men to disease and battle casualties. He decided to march his army northeast to Calais, where he would meet the English fleet and return to England. At Agincourt, however, a vast French army of 20,000 men stood in his path, greatly outnumbering the exhausted English archers, knights, and men-at-arms.

US frigate United States captures British vessel Macedonian

1854 the Charge of the Light Brigade
In an event alternately described as one of the most heroic or disastrous episodes in British military history, Lord James Cardigan leads a charge of the Light Brigade cavalry against well-defended Russian artillery during the Crimean War. The British were winning the Battle of Balaclava when Cardigan received his order to attack the Russians. His cavalry gallantly charged down the valley and were decimated by the heavy Russian guns, suffering 40 percent casualties. It was later revealed that the order was the result of confusion and was not given intentionally. Lord Cardigan, who survived the battle, was hailed as a national hero in Britain.

1861 Keel of the Monitor laid
Signaling an important shift in the history of naval warfare, the keel of the Union ironclad Monitor is laid at Greenpoint, Long Island.
Union Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles appointed an Ironclad Board when he heard rumors that the Confederates were trying to build an iron-hulled ship-an ironclad ship could wreck havoc on the Union's wooden armada. In September 1861, the board granted approval for engineer John Ericsson, a native of Sweden, to begin constructing the U.S. Navy's first ironclad.

Germany and Italy established the Rome-Berlin Axis.

1944 First kamikaze attack of the war begins
On this day in 1944, during the Battle of the Leyte Gulf, the Japanese deploy kamikaze ("divine wind") suicide bombers against American warships for the first time. It will prove costly--to both sides.
This decision to employ suicide bombers against the American fleet at Leyte, an island of the Philippines, was based on the failure of conventional naval and aerial engagements to stop the American offensive. Declared Japanese naval Capt. Motoharu Okamura: "I firmly believe that the only way to swing the war in our favor is to resort to crash-dive attacks with our planes.... There will be more than enough volunteers for this chance to save our country."

Japanese surrender Taiwan to Gen Chiang Kai-shek

China entered the Korean War on the side of North Korea against the United States and South Korea.

Peace talks aimed at ending Korean War resumed in Panmunjom

Stevenson demands USSR ambasadeur Zorin answer regarding Cuban missile bases saying "I am prepared to wait for my answer until hell freezes over"

Nixon suspends bombing of North Vietnam

The U.S. military, under President Ronald Reagan, invaded the tiny island country of Grenada.
phoenix80 said:
Can I add any thing that comes up?

Sure. Feel free to post your own "Today in history" replies here as well.. :)

October 26

When General Paul Barras resigns his commission as head of France's Army of the Interior to become head of the Directory, his second-in-command becomes the army's commander-Napoleon Bonaparte.

Worldwide Red Cross organized in Geneva

"Bloody Bill" Anderson killed

The (famous) Shootout at the OK corral, in Tombstone, Az
Wyatt Earp, Morgan Earp, Virgil Earp, and Doc Holliday fought against Billy Claiborne, Frank McLaury, Tom McLaury, Billy Clanton, and Ike Clanton.
Both McLaurys and Billy Clanton were killed.

Norway signs a treaty of separation with Sweden. Norway chooses Prince Charles of Denmark as the new king; he becomes King Haakon VII.

US ship Hornet sunk in Battle of Santa Cruz Islands during WW II

Battle of Leyte Gulf ends

Ngo Dinh Diem proclaims Vietnam a republic with himself as president

USSR fires defense minister, Marshal Georgi Zhukov

Soyuz 3 launched

UN votes to replace Taiwan with China

Henry Kissinger declares "Peace is at hand" in Vietnam

5th & final test of space shuttle Enterprise
ok, let me try mine and have a history class on Iran :-)

Russian Cosaks invaded Iran during WW I despite neutrality of the Iranian government in the conflict.

His Imperial Majesty, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi of Iran, held Coronation ceremonies and officially became the King of the country and commander in Chief of the Imperial iranian armed forces.

The Iranian port city of Khoram-Shar was occupied by advancing Iraqi divisions after 2 months of resistance by the Iranian army. The city was again taken by Iran's army 2 yrs later.

October 27, 1941: Units of 11.Armee (von Manstein) force a breakthrough at Perekop, thus opening the gate to the Crimean peninsula.
October 27, 1942: At El Alamein, a counter-attack by 21.Panzer-Division to push the attacking British forces back into the German minefields fails, leaving the Afrikakorps with all of 81 operational tanks.

27 October 1950 Chinese enter the Korean War. Having secretly moved at least 180,000 men into North Korea, Chinese forces began attacking south, surprising UN Command.
Great! :D

And here are some more:

Pinckney's Treaty, an agreement between the United States and Spain, was signed, giving the United States navigation rights on the Mississippi River.

Birthday: Theodore Roosevelt, 26th US Pres (1901-09)

Battle of Hatcher's Run (Burgess Mill)

De Gaulle sets up the Empire Defense Council

Israel recaptures Nizzanim in the Negev

The first Saturn rocket was successfully launched, and years later the Saturn V was the launch vehicle used in the Apollo moon-landing flights.
*On this day the 28 of october

1962: World relief as Cuban missile crisis ends

US President John F Kennedy welcomes Russia's announcement that it will dismantle its missiles based in Cuba.

2001: Christians killed in Pakistan massacre

Masked gunmen burst into a church in eastern Pakistan killing 18 people including children who were at prayer.

1974: Minister's wife survives bomb attack
Sports Minister Denis Howell's wife and young son survive a bomb attack on their car.

1986: 'Evil' Bamber jailed for family murders
A 24-year-old Essex man is sentenced to life for killing five members of his family, including his two young nephews.

1979: Chairman Hua arrives in London
Chairman Hua Kuo-Feng, the first Chinese leader to visit Britain, is welcomed at Heathrow by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

tadaaa :)
28 October,1916 First conscription referendum in Austrailia - Dismayed by heavy losses at Fromelles and Pozières on the Western Front, Prime Minister W.M. Hughes proposed that conscription be introduced for overseas service. The proposal was defeated. source:
October 28, 1940: Start of an Italian offensive from conquered Albania into Greece. Hitler and Mussolini meet at Florence.
October 28, 1941: President Roosevelt approves the appropriation by Congress of an additional $6 billion in Lend-Lease aid to Britain and the Soviet Union.
October 28, 1944: The Soviet advance into the Goldap area of East Prussia is brought to a standstill by the tenacious resistance of 4.Armee (Hossbach). There are further German withdrawals from northern Norway. The Bulgarian government signs an armistice with the Soviet Union, Britain and the United States.
Oh and this too:

1492 Christopher Columbus discovers Cuba
1636 Harvard University (Boston) established
1776 Battle of White Plains; Washington retreats to NJ
1793 Eli Whitney applies for a patent on the cotton gin
1886 Statue of Liberty dedicated by Pres Grover Cleveland, it is celebrated by the 1st confetti (ticker tape) parade in NYC
1904 St Louis police try a new investigation method-fingerprints
1919 Volstead Act passed by Congress, start prohibition over Wilson's veto
1922 1st coast-to-coast radio broadcast of a football game
1929 1st child born in aircraft, Miami, Fl
1962 Khrushchev orders withdrawal of missiles from Cuba, ending crisis
1965 Gateway Arch (630' (190m) high) completed in St Louis, Missouri
1970 US/USSR sign an agreement to discuss joint space efforts


1914 Dr Jonas Salk NYC, medical researcher, made polio a fear of the past
1955 William Gates billionaire CEO (Microsoft)

am good eh :)
MightyMacbeth said:
Oh and this too:

1492 Christopher Columbus discovers Cuba
1636 Harvard University (Boston) established
1776 Battle of White Plains; Washington retreats to NJ
1793 Eli Whitney applies for a patent on the cotton gin
1886 Statue of Liberty dedicated by Pres Grover Cleveland, it is celebrated by the 1st confetti (ticker tape) parade in NYC
1904 St Louis police try a new investigation method-fingerprints
1919 Volstead Act passed by Congress, start prohibition over Wilson's veto
1922 1st coast-to-coast radio broadcast of a football game
1929 1st child born in aircraft, Miami, Fl
1962 Khrushchev orders withdrawal of missiles from Cuba, ending crisis
1965 Gateway Arch (630' (190m) high) completed in St Louis, Missouri
1970 US/USSR sign an agreement to discuss joint space efforts


1914 Dr Jonas Salk NYC, medical researcher, made polio a fear of the past
1955 William Gates billionaire CEO (Microsoft)

am good eh :)
Not to be too picky, but isn't the topic of this forum "this day in military history"