China Bans Bra, Underwear, Sex Toy Ads

Team Infidel

Forum Spin Doctor
China Bans Bra, Underwear, Sex Toy Ads photo
BEIJING (AP) - China has banned television and radio ads for push-up bras, figure-enhancing underwear and sex toys in the communist government's latest move to purge the nation's airwaves of what it calls social pollution. Regulators have already targeted ads using crude or suggestive language,...
This will have positively no effect on their society unless they ban the human sex drive as well.

You'd think they'd want more such publications about, if they're trying to control their birth rate. :-D
It's the same thing with sodomy. It was "illegal" in many states. Hell, I think Florida still has it on it's books. But the law is not enforced. US States banning sex toys is like making it illegal to chew gum in public. Yeah, it's on the books (From days gone by) but it's not enforced.

(Yes, sex toys make it more fun)

The People's Republic of China is a different matter. The people aren't secure in heir homes or their persons. Chi-Com secret police can enter homes without any reason. They also block words like Freedom and Democracy from internet searches.
Good thing about having 50 States is if one does not like the Laws in one, then one can move to another where the Laws maybe more towards ones liking.

The Founding Fathers put guns (Arms) into the Federal Constitution, and, left out sex toys.

I was Stationed at an Army Base in Alabama that was in a dry County, but the Base was Federal Property, so the sale and drinking of alcohol was allowed on post.
Those who lived in Off Post Quarters could also drink in their Quarters, but I believe the rule was when they bought alcohol on Post they had to keep it in the Trunk of thier Car until they got home, and they were not allowed to drink on their porch or outside in their yard.

Difference here is the Government of China is making the Ban, not some locality within China proper.

The Government of China will do what Government in the United States do when they do not like one thing or another, they will Ban the sale and possession of items they do not like, and watch if people order things shipped in from places which sale and ship said items outside China proper.
also worth pointing out that the chinese haven't banned the sale of the items, just the advertisements for them
Could you plz tell us why not!?!

China in the context of still very conservative. Especially the older generation

Suddenly, with a television advertisement that people will be very embarrassing. Especially with their parents watching TV together
China in the context of still very conservative. Especially the older generation

Suddenly, with a television advertisement that people will be very embarrassing. Especially with their parents watching TV together

Hence the ban on advertising the products.

I can remember not so many years ago that some ads of this type would have been banned in Australia. In fact, I must say that I have never seen an ad for sex toys on TV here yet.

I do seem to remember a thread on this forum listing some of the more unusual laws in our own countries, so I wouldn't get too self righteous about all of this just yet.