Erwin Rommel Quotes
Field Marshal Erwin Rommel Quotations
Erwin Johannes Eugen Rommel
German Field Marshal, nickname “The Desert Fox” (Wüstenfuchs). Rommel was forced to commit suicide for links to a conspiracy to assassinate Adolf Hitler
Lived: 15 November 1891 – 14 October 1944
(visit wikipedia to learn more about Erwin Rommel)
Military Related Erwin Rommel Quotes
“In the absence of orders, go find something and kill it.”
– Field Marshal Erwin Rommel
“Be an example to your men, in your duty and in private life. Never spare yourself, and let the troops see that you don’t in your endurance of fatigue and privation. Always be tactful and well-mannered and teach your subordinates to do the same. Avoid excessive sharpness or harshness of voice, which usually indicates the man who has shortcomings of his own to hide.”
– Field Marshall Erwin Rommel
“One must not judge everyone in the world by his qualities as a soldier: otherwise we should have no civilization.”
– Field Marshal Erwin Rommel
“I would rather he had given me one more division”
– Rommel, when Hitler made him a Field Marshall
“The art of concentrating strength at one point, forcing a breakthrough, rolling up and securing the flanks on either side, and then penetrating like lightning deep into his rear, before the enemy has time to react.”
– Field Marshal Erwin Rommel Quotes
“In a man to man fight the winner is the one who puts an extra round in his magazine”
– Field Marshal Erwin Rommel Quotes
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